Nikitin: First of all, we congratulate military personnel and veterans of the Armed Forces

Nikitin: First of all, we congratulate military personnel and veterans of the Armed Forces 6494_1

Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin sent congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the text distributed the press service of the Government of the Region.

"Dear Nizhny Novgorod! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland!

Of course, first of all, we congratulate military personnel and veterans of the Armed Forces. You are right at the guard of the interests of the Motherland and are always ready to respond to any threat. We see how the army and the fleet of Russia are developing. A new technique is purchased, advanced scientific developments are being implemented, training is being improved. Important work is carried out by enterprises of the defense and industrial complex.

On the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region, 50 OPK enterprises function, and more than 92 thousand people work on them. I know what responsibility is their employees to their duties. This is a guarantee that the sky over Russia will always be peaceful.

This year we celebrate several important dates at once, which are directly related to the defense of the Fatherland. The 800th anniversary is celebrated by Nizhny Novgorod, founded in the XIII century for defense of Rus. In addition, eight centuries have passed since Alexander Nevsky's birth, which became one of the characters of military valor and patriotism. Looking back, we understand how long and the difficult path did our ancestors, which stood the freedom and independence of the Motherland.

Almost 80 years ago, the Great Patriotic War began. History has kept the evidence of the courage and the courage of Gorkovchan. On the first day, thousands of people signed volunteers to the front. Today's defenders of the Fatherland are worthy successors of the heroes of past times.

We understand that it is possible to protect Fatherland not only with weapons in your hands. On guard of the security of the Motherland today are medical workers and sanitary doctors who are struggling with a pandemic. We all were convinced how fragile the well-being of the world could be. I believe that our doctors have shown themselves with real heroes, defending hundreds of thousands of people from a terrible threat. Each of them honestly performs its work, contributes to strengthening Russia.

All defenders of the Fatherland congratulations on the holiday. Let the world always reign in your families and well-being! " - It is said in congratulations.

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