Ilya Kulikov sent Nonna Grishaev to space

Ilya Kulikov sent Nonna Grishaev to space 6454_1

The CTC and the LEGIO Felix film company began to shoot a multi-sterish fantastic comedy "helium-3", director, screenwriter and producer of which Ilya Kulikov became. In the leading eccentric commander of the lunar station Irina Flower the author of the project immediately saw Nonnu Grishayev, the famous spectators of the STS on the TV series "Daddy's daughters".

Nonna Grishaeva: "I am glad to be at the site of the native channel and fulfill a long-time dream - to work with an incredibly talented Ilya Kulikov. And with the heroines, we actually have a lot of common: I lead the theater, she is a lunar station. The only difference is: I have no rank of colonel. "

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According to the plot in 2040, Ruskosmos launches the station "Sunset-1" on the moon in order to protect the Earth from a dangerous asteroid. The new structure was headed by an eccentric Irina Tsvetkov, who was subordinate to no less strange staff: the near Major of Glory (Cyril Melekhov), Pilot Hamka Sofia (Maria Lisovaya), stupid engineers Yurur and Roma (Yuri Krutnik, Artyom Suchkov) and other specialists, Not founded on the native planet. The habitual structure of the station changes the astrophysicist Venus Myshkina (Tatiana Babenkov), which learns that in fact the team does not save the world, but illegally producing helium-3.

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Ilya Kulikov, director, screenwriter, project producer: "The new story combines two of my favorite genre - comedy and fiction. The project will have a lot of reference to a famous fantastic picture. For example, we are removed in the scenery resembling the atmosphere of the film "Aliens". There will be cosmic ships, and lunas, and the technique of the future - and in such an unusual entourage we still laugh. "

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Station decorations built for three months in a pavilion with an area of ​​3000 square meters. "Sunset-1" includes the main headquarters, corridors, a gateway, a bear, a scientific center, dining room and housing with cabins of heroes. Artists from scratch created a spacecraft, lunokhod, weapons, apparatuses for connections with aliens, telephones, tablets and other equipment 2040. "The first impression that I got into Hollywood. It can be seen that high-level professionals worked, "the actor Cyril Melekhov shared.

Over the costumes of the "Sunset-1" team, Polina Losev ("Good Man", "Acid"), which in the preparation process studied the form of Soviet, Russian and American astronauts in the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics and revised the latest space hits - InterStellar and " Martian".

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"One of the most difficult tasks was the creation of not too cumbersome, but spectacularly looking at the frame of the scafflers, which in the end turned out with the original binder and LED backlight, - was recognized as Polina. - But for the scenes "on the surface of the Moon", they are asked me, on the contrary, dragging the shoes of heroes with lead, so that the step in weightlessness is given to actors with difficulty. "

In addition to the form, the leading role artists are experiencing specially created protective masks, body armor, helmets, bomber with a luminous screen, overalls, pajamas and other cosmic future clothes.

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