How to quickly get rid of unnecessary things: 7 tips


When the street warms and shines the sun, it's nicer to spend more time there, not at home. Therefore, in the last cold days you should arrange a general cleaning, because then it is not for sure that it definitely. In the course of spring cleaning, not only washing the floors, windows and further on the list, but also disassemble the heaps of things. Here are simple tips to help you get rid of all unnecessary.

How to quickly get rid of unnecessary things: 7 tips 6406_1

Make a cleaning schedule

In the theory, all cleaning can be held in one day, but it is better to distribute it for several days to take this case more seriously and not throw important things, just to finish quickly.

Highlight a separate day to each room and complete cleaning for a week or month. Or divide the days of cleaning no room, but by actions. For example, in one day you can only vacuum, in the other wipe dust, to disassemble things in the third.

Bring pictures

Children are the most productive artists, but not all their drawings are so good that they understand and they themselves. Together, take old pictures, folders and boxes with which the cabinets filled out, and throw out not the most favorite or repeating pictures.

But before this, you must take a picture of them or scan. Favorites Do not return to the boxes, there are more original storage methods.

Check the materials for drawing

How to quickly get rid of unnecessary things: 7 tips 6406_2

Even more places are not occupied by the drawings themselves, but materials for drawing. Old favors, pencils, wounded so much that they are already uncomfortable, dried gouache ... Most likely, you do not use them to the end, but buy new materials.

Before throwing out old, arrange the last test. Take more paper (sheets are suitable with drawings, from which you decided to get rid of, let them get useful) and check all these markers and pencils.

Disassemble clothes

How to quickly get rid of unnecessary things: 7 tips 6406_3

Marie Condo advises to throw out things if they do not deliver joy. Another way to understand is whether it is worth leaving clothes: remember when you put it last time. If from that moment more than a year has passed, then the thing can be thrown out or to give in need. But in the case of childish clothes, decide whether to leave things much easier, because children grow out of it very quickly.

So get out of the cabinet all spring and summer clothes and arrange a fashion show with the child. Yes, it is better not just to measure clothes, but to turn on the music and wear all the most irrelevant things together. The child will be more fun, you decide what clothes it's time to replace a new one.

Prepare for storage sports equipment

Skates, skiing, sledges and other inventory will not be useful to you until the next winter, so bring them in order before you clean it on the balcony or in the garage.

It sounds obvious, many such boring business prefer to postpone on the case and clean things before use. But after a few months to do it will be more difficult. There is also a possibility that skates for the next winter will also become small to the child, and you decide to give or sell them in the fall.

Disassemble collections

Children often collect things that adults do not seem interesting. Stones of unusual forms, glass, twigs or packaging from different things. The hobby is interesting, but if not to treat it seriously, the whole house will quickly be filled with trash. Disassemble a child's collection.

Sometimes they will first find: they can be stored not in a prominent place, but under the bed, for example. Ask the child, right if he wants to leave the collection, offer to go through things and decompose the remaining albums or boxes.

Organize storage

How to quickly get rid of unnecessary things: 7 tips 6406_4

When you get rid of all too much, do not put out mindlessly remaining things for the same places. So soon you will again fill them with unnecessary objects.

Of course, you can turn in the tradition of still summer, autumn and winter cleaning. Or come up with how to sort things and compactly store them in sight.

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