Find a contractor for the construction of Sochi Roads plan in the coming months


Residents of Tos "Patrole-Sochi" received official letters of the Administration of Vladivostok in response to questions "Doconcoule here else on Ughabam ride" ...

Currently, an auction documentation has formed auction documentation for determining the contracting organization for the construction of a street-road network in the Patrox microdistrict. Approximate deadlines for the auction at the electronic trading platform - the 2nd quarter of 2021. According to the results of the auction, the municipal contract will be concluded. Road construction is scheduled to execute until the end of this year.

Find a contractor for the construction of Sochi Roads plan in the coming months 6239_1
Find contractors for the construction of Ochikskaya Roads plan in the coming months ADM

The management of roads and improvement of the administration of Vladivostok with LLC PSK Perspective was concluded a municipal contract for the development of project documentation on the construction of a street-road network in the "Patrole" microdistrict 1 launch complex. " 13.10.2020 A positive conclusion of the state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results for this object was obtained.

Within the framework of this project, the construction of 6 plots of streets are provided in the company's microdistrict to ensure an entrance to the residential buildings of the microdistrict Patrolers of the Pervomaisky District of Vladivostok Primorsky Krai in accordance with the "territory planning documentation in the area of ​​the Bay of the city of Vladivostok" approved by the Resolutions of the city administration of Vladivostok from 15.09 .2014 № 8494 and dated 16.05.2019 № 1933 within the boundaries of land: ul. Arkhangelskaya - 25: 28: 030014: 1282, ul. Sochi, ul. Severomorskaya - 25: 28: 030014: 1303, 25: 28: 030014: 1398, ul. Novorossiyskaya - 25: 28: 030014: 1384, the entrance to DS1 - 25: 28: 030014: 1283.

Find a contractor for the construction of Sochi Roads plan in the coming months 6239_2
Find contractors for the construction of Ochikskaya Roads plan in the coming months ADM

Sochyskaya Street consists of two rectilinear sites: ul. Sochi 1 - from ul. Arkhangelsk to ring intersection with ul. North Termorskaya, and Sochi 2 - from the annular intersection to ul. Novorossiysk.

Plot st. Arkhangelskaya - from ul. Basargin to the adjustment to the land plot 25: 28: 030014: 1304, the length of 905.0 m., Plot st. Novorossiyskaya - from ul. Basargin to intersection with ul. Sochi, the length of 291.0 m, Sochiskaya Street d. No. 1 - from ul. Arkhangelsk to ring intersection, length of 568.0 m, Sochiskaya Street d. No. 2 - from the annular intersection to ul. Novorossiyskaya, length of 266.0 m, North Termorskaya street, length of 295.0 m. Staed to kindergarten №1 from ul. Arkhangelskaya, length of 370.0 m, Arkhangelskaya street. The total length of the streets is 2695.0 m.

The project provides for a device 6 bus stops: 4 on ul. Arkhangelsk and 2 on ul. Novorossiysk. Bus stops are performed in special "pockets" along the roadway, 3.75 meters wide. Stopping sites and distilts taken from 13.0-15.0 meters long.

The most problematic section of the road was the turn, where the water of the melting snow blurs the roadway. The GRETERS did not hold out the municipal enterprise of the SGT, the graders did not hold out and the day, but the crushed stone, followed by alignment, made for the money of the inhabitants helped for a couple of days.

In another answer, the same management reports that the road repair on the street. Theodosist is not included in the list of planned road repair activities.

Additionally, we inform that with the onset of sustainable positive temperatures, on the territory of the city of Vladivostok will be resumed work on the grauding of dirt roads. These works will be carried out until the end of October 2021. Road on ul. Theodosist is included in the work plan.

In order for repair to enter the list of works of any year, it is necessary to first achieve road design, and before that it is to solve all questions with land plots for which the future road will pass. This issue is engaged in TOS "Feodosian".

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