17 people told about habits from childhood, get rid of which harder than from the gum in hair


It is believed that childhood imposes a fingerprint for the entire future life. Some habits formed in gentle age are manifested in adults, solid people. Some of them are quite harmless and even touching, for example, the habit of sleeping in an embrace with a plush bear, while others can greatly complicate life.

We are in adme.ru we believe that it is not necessary to part with childhood, but to realize what installations will prevent us from living, it will not be completely superfluous. Therefore, we read the stories of people who know exactly why they behave like children, despite age.

  • I grind eggshell. Taking into account the fact that I am engaged in baking, I have a lot of shell. I do it because in childhood I read the book, where it was said that the shells from the eggs are used as the wits as boats. I understand that it sounds insanely, but I can't do anything with me. © tannysaurusrex / Reddit
  • My groom is sleeping with a plush puppy named Ralph, whom he was presented for Christmas when he was about 6 years old. 20 years later, we began to meet, and he asked if I remember Ralph. I said yes. It turned out, Ralph was very angry that he had to hide in the toilet, since I began to spend the night from my boyfriend. I told him to bring Ralph, and now, 2 years later, he lives on our bed, and we both hug it. © Unknown Author / Reddit
  • As a child, I thought that if you eat food, in which there was too much salt and too much sugar, they would begin to fight in my stomach, so I tried not to eat salt and sugar in one day. I still think so. © "overheard" / IDEER

17 people told about habits from childhood, get rid of which harder than from the gum in hair 6164_1
© Fotorieth / Pixabay

  • Korch Frames whenever I pass by the mirror in public. The shopping centers have large mirrors so that you can see how you look or shoes. I can not do anything like anything. My sister pretends that we are not familiar, and begins to go faster when it catches me on it. © Afia M / Quora
  • There is something funny to go to bed on weekends late, watch movies, play video games and there is a harmful food. Not quite sure why so, but whenever I do it, my childhood smiles in response. © Dmont_C_Thomas / Reddit
  • To the university, all his life lived in the Gorsky Aul and I had an important duty - with the onset of twilight, to drive into the turkey chickenuted, so that nothing happened to them. 4th year in the capital, and when I look out in the window and see that he dares, almost undermining to run to drive the feathery. © "overheard" / IDEER

17 people told about habits from childhood, get rid of which harder than from the gum in hair 6164_2
© SE1IK / Pikabu

  • I remember how in my childhood I lived in the odnushka and I slept in the kitchen. There was a refrigerator "ZIL". When he worked, glasses rode from the vibration on the table. But when he stopped rattling, the most pleasant silence fell. After moving, I could not fall asleep without the sound of the refrigerator. © Biwtk / Pikabu
  • I have a habit every time before you take from the refrigerator or the cabinet, ask permission. I am 26 years old, I live separately from my parents, but when I come to visit, I always ask, you can take or not. Mom habit annoying, she says: "Why ask? Sure you may". And I remember how in my childhood I was shouted for an eaten piece of sausage, an excess plate of soup and taken without the demand that the sweeper was just a wigner. And really, why ask, of course, everything can be. I have a habit of where he came from - I do not know. © Salta2306 / Pikabu
  • The husband laughs at me when I get up on the scales and pulling the belly. He does not know that this habit remains with me from 17 years old when I weighed about 90 kg with a height of 165 cm and simply did not see those numbers that showed scales. © "overheard" / IDEER

17 people told about habits from childhood, get rid of which harder than from the gum in hair 6164_3
© pxhere.

  • I grew up in the village, and when the first time came to the city, we went to visit a friend who lives in a high-rise building. We approach the house, go up to the apartment, and in the hallway everyone takes off the shoes, and I have bare feet. It turns out that I took the habit of shoes in front of the door of the entrance. © Pikabukz / Pikabu
  • My boyfriend thinks that I am a lazy sludge and do nothing around the house, and all because I can't get out in the presence of other people, only secret. The fact is that my mother treated extremely critically to the cleaning process. She constantly controlled everything: is it enough with hot water, I my dishes, in the right direction I met, well, and any such. © thisbuttonsucks / Reddit
  • I ride the trolley in the supermarket whenever I get there. Recently went to the store and again rode on the trolley. There was an 8-year-old child who did the same thing, and his mother shouted at him. And the boy answered reasonably: "Why can this uncle, and I can not?" I drove past, turned and grinned. © Madhav Matle / Quora

17 people told about habits from childhood, get rid of which harder than from the gum in hair 6164_4
© Lordlaqy / YouTube

  • I am 30 years old, I have a bunch of tattoos, height under 2 meters and in general I look like a bear. And I still sleep with a teddy bear when something is upset. And when I come to an automatic door, I make a gesture, as if I am Jedi and open it with the help of power. © Unknown Author / Reddit
  • When I go into any bathroom, where the shower curtain is dug, I have to look for her to see if someone is hiding there. I'm trying to get rid of this habit, but then I think: "What if someone is there?" Anyway, if someone bursts into my house and hide in the bath, I recognize the first! © Rachel Chee / Quora
  • My husband is infuriated. As a child with money, there was a tight, so my mother did not bother us snacks. Instead, I ate salt from Salonka, and then piled her glass of water. Now I am an adult, quite secured, but still love to do it. True, now I prefer to drink soy sauce, because it is more salty. © Unknown Author / Reddit

17 people told about habits from childhood, get rid of which harder than from the gum in hair 6164_5
© ajale / Pixabay

  • When I was 9-13 years old, my family lived very poorly. Sometimes sausage appeared in the refrigerator, but it was impossible to touch it. Only one phrase was uttered: "This is a holiday." Years have passed. I earn normally, I can afford this sausage to buy at least every other day. But somewhere inside me the same child does not pay attention to the sausage lying in the refrigerator. And very often it dries or flies. Well, when friends come and the very holiday begins. © Stavnick / Pikabu
  • I still eat food in order from the most tasteless to the most delicious. For example, if I have a peas, steak and potato mashed potatoes, then at first I'll eat polka dots, then potatoes and at the very end - steak. © Vegeton / Reddit

Tell us, what children's habits are preserved with you?

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