Stages of cosmetic repair without capital redevelopment of the apartment


The process of renewaling the dwelling is cosmetic or, as it should be said, fine repair, it is carried out in stages: first the concept of the apartment design with households is discussed, the materials are selected, the estimates of construction and finishing works are discussed. The masters or brigades are involved when the ability to change the situation is handed it personally, and I want to repair the home or apartment.

Important: The absence of estimates often leads to the rise in the cost of cosmetic repairs in the apartment and unforeseen expenses.

Stages of cosmetic repair without capital redevelopment of the apartment 6081_1

If it is assumed to be radically changed the appearance of the dwelling, starting and cosmetic, and the current repairs follows from a long point to avoid contamination of apartments. By a similar scheme, the interior of houses and other premises is beginning to be updated:

• Furniture shifts into the center of the room or taken out of the room

• All that is not subject to replacement, is covered from upcoming contaminants

• When removing the wallpaper, water is used, so the wiring is de-energized, the wires are insulated, the sockets are stuck with painting tape

All cosmetic changes that can be poured into full repair, it is recommended to start with the top point of the apartments so as not to damage any square meter of fresh finishes, dismantling the remains of old coatings. First of all, the walls from wallpaper or paint are eliminated, they do the same with the ceiling, if necessary, remove the floor covering.

Tip: If the floor is covered with high-quality parquet, but has the injured in the course of exploration, it is better to restore it than to completely replace.

A separate item is the price - how much work will be rated whether it is worth it to make a cosmetic or recovery repair independently, or to entrust the finish of the apartment professionals, depends on the financial capabilities of the owner, its skills in the construction and finishing of premises, free time.

Stages of cosmetic repair without capital redevelopment of the apartment 6081_2

Preparation of walls

Immediately proceed to sticking new wallpapers may not work, as the apartment consists of a number of elements of engineering communications, the disadvantages of which can be found only when dismantling the finish. As a result, even the 1-room option is more expensive in the alteration, if defects are detected by heating radiators, wall alignment, dismantling of partitions, or electrician wiring and cosmetic (which was originally stood only to refresh the kitchen or living room) Repair turns into almost capital.

IMPORTANT: putty must completely frozen and only then can be started at the next stage - finishing walls and ceilings.

Finishing work

The popular option to make a beautiful cosmetic, and at the same time inexpensive repairs - paint the walls and ceilings in the apartment, but this method requires a perfectly smooth surface. It is not recommended to paint the walls in new homes, since over time they give shrinkage and cracks appear. Even if the developer gives guarantees, do not hurry to spend money on plastered walls and expensive finish - wait for the sediment at home, it will take from 6 months to a year.

Stages of cosmetic repair without capital redevelopment of the apartment 6081_3

Another way to refresh the square meter is to punish new wallpapers, but beware of the excuses "there will be no will be seen." Over time, the apartment will again require updates, and, saving on the decoration of walls in places where high furniture is standing, sticking the remnants of the wallpaper of other quality and color, the result of cosmetic long-awaited repairs will be reduced to zero: as soon as you want to redecessing, you will become a hostage.

At the end of the work, the premises will need to be put in order, because, despite the fact that cosmetic is a repair associated with a small amount of work, construction trash accumulates in the apartment. Spots of glue on wallpaper, paints on the walls, the remains of the finish materials and other contaminants are better removed during the repair process.

Regardless which species and volumes of cosmetic, that is, the most simplest of all types of repair is supposed to be done, it is important to find a professional that will take it at the highest level, even if you consider yourself a dock on the alteration of apartments, it will not be superfluous to listen to the advice of the experienced workers.

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