Kommersant spoke about the consumer society, which declares the ownership of assets worth above half of the Russian GDP


"Vogulskaya Piek" allegedly engaged in investments, works with the government, the Ministry of Defense and other major enterprises.

Kommersant spoke about the consumer society, which declares the ownership of assets worth above half of the Russian GDP 5747_1

International Consumer Society has existed since December 2004. "Vogulskaya Schek" argues that its assets make up 61 trillion rubles. This exceeds half of Russia's GDP - according to Rosstat, in 2020 it amounted to 106.6 trillion rubles, writes Kommersant.

  • The company's website says that it works "with the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council and the Ministry of Defense, as well as other major organizations and enterprises";
  • The discussion of the reliability of the organization for the last time arose in chat rooms and social networks at the end of 2020, but was also more meeting, newspaper writes;
  • The adherent of the Vogulian shareholder said that society proposes to invest rubles in his pairs with a yield of 7.5-16% per annum for individuals and up to 20% per annum - for legal entities with the possibility of monthly payment of dividends. There is also a tariff plan in the currency at a rate of up to 4% per annum. According to the interlocutor of the publication, the money is investing in construction, industry, energy, transport, communication, housing and public utilities and agriculture;
  • In the Central Bank of Kommersant, they said that "the organization is not an appleful bank of Russia." The regulator can check any financial organization both at the request of citizens and independently. In the latter case, if the company offers bets above the market and has aggressive marketing policies. But the company's rates are comparable to those that offer, for example, pawnshop or MFIs, and marketing is not aggressive, Kommersant notes;
  • In the ONF, they said that complaints from the participants of the Company were not received;
  • The head of the ONF project "For the Rights of Borrowers", Evgenia Lazareva noted that a number of signs of fraud "are clearly traced in the behavior of MPO." She noted that the organization is not in any of the registers of the Central Bank;
  • In the ONF, they also noticed that the average number of IGO employees was not declared, and several cases are found on the director and founder in the Card file of arbitration courts;
  • The partner of the legal firm "YUSTER" Andrei Grigoriev noted that while the Ministry of Internal Affairs or FAS have no confirmed facts of fraud or introducing misconceptions, no responsibility of the participants or the director of this society can not be incurred;
  • The partner of the law company "Position of the Rights" Egor Rainz said that the organizational and legal form of the Vogulian shareholder allows society to freely organize fundraising from shareholders. He added that any financial organization must be controlled by the Central Bank. Round considers "strange" that the regulator is not interested in this organization.

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