In Belarus, the law on advertising has changed: what should I know consumers now?


Current price tags, protection against obsessive advertising in the mailboxes and in transport. What other innovations expect consumers due to changes in legislation.

Some of these innovations come into force on April 2. They relate to the rules for selling certain types of goods and catering, as well as the rules for the sale, activities aimed at stimulating the sale of goods, products, including information on the price tags. These changes are enshrined by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus from 30.12.2020 No. 774, writes Minsk-News

In particular, from April 2, on the price tags, in other information sources, sellers are required to indicate information about the price of food products per 1 kg or 1 l font, the size of which is at least half the font size used to specify the price per unit of such goods.

Information on sales and promotions should be placed in trading and catering facilities, media or coming to buyers in other available ways. The size of the discount may be indicated as a percentage or in monetary terms. If the discount is provided only when performing any conditions, these facts will be specified, the price of goods with a discount and without it.

Information about the price for goods or public catering products, taking into account the discount, the size of the discount and the conditions for its provision must be listed less than the price without a discount.

- Recently, sellers often indicated a discount price a significantly larger font than the usual, which introduced many buyers in confusion, "the head of this such measure was explained by the adoption of this such measure the head of the management of consumer rights management and control over the advertising of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of Belarus Inna Gavrilechik.

On January 4, 2021, the Law "On Changing Advertising Laws" was adopted. Although his provisions will take effect only on July 8, consumers are not necessary to know in advance, to what innovations will prepare and what to count on.

One of the key positions expected by citizens is the obligation of the advertisement asset to stop the delivery of advertising in the mailbox on the first requirement of the owner. The consumer will need to inform the advertiser that he does not want to receive such leaflets (booklets). How?

In Belarus, the law on advertising has changed: what should I know consumers now? 5673_1

- This can be done using the information about the advertiser, which is usually contained in leaflets - the site, address, telephone, explains I. Gavrilechik. - In this case, the advertiser must take all measures, including to inform the advertisement of the promoter, so that at this address, in the specific box of the leaflets no longer fell. Alternatively, some consumers expressed an offer to place special stickers on their mailboxes, although legislation does not oblige them to do.

The representative of March told how the townspeople act, if they were not listened to their opinion. In these cases, you can contact the authorities at the place of residence, to take action.

"Perhaps, at first, certain difficulties will be," the specialist suggested. - Some consumers in their appeals demanded generally to prohibit this way to distribute advertising. But by others, on the contrary, it helps to navigate the shares of the nearest stores, domestic service items, etc. This norm is a compromise option: so as not to prohibit completely, but to enable and develop conscientious business representatives, especially for small and medium businesses it The low-cost way is to be relocated. He is also useful to many consumers.

It should be borne in mind that this requirement does not apply to advertising posted in print media or on the back of the sides.

The new legislative act also contains requirements in the field of advertising of banking services and microfinance organizations.

In particular, in advertising banks on deposits should indicate the amount of the annual interest rate and the type of contract. If the contract contains conditions affecting the amount of income and / or customer expenditures, advertising should contain a preventive inscription in the contract of these conditions. Such an inscription should voiced in radio advertising, on television, in other ways, occupying a certain amount of time or square. Microfinance organizations are also required to indicate an annual interest rate.

- Consumers often face advertising "Duty Money", which is very often inappropriate, "I. Gavrilechik noticed. - Pay attention: Microfinance organizations operating in the legal field can be found on the website of the National Bank, where there is a corresponding registry. If you did not find a specific organization there, I recommend not using its services: there is reason to believe that it carries out activities illegally.

In Belarus, the law on advertising has changed: what should I know consumers now? 5673_2

Due to the negative relationship of consumers, this is also the provision of the law as a ban on the distribution of advertising of ritual services by leaflets in the mailboxes, telephone. The problem is that such advertising many recipients perceive as an address, which causes a completely explanatory indignation of people. Exception for such information - print media.

A ban on the distribution of advertising through telephone telecommunication, e-mail without prior - written or in electronic form - the consent of the subscriber (recipient) will also come into force.

Among the innovations, which will enter into force on July 8, is the introduction of a ban on the excess of the sound level of advertising above the sound level of the television program, interrupted by advertising; ban on advertising of neutabachny nicotine-containing products and liquids for electronic smoking systems (exception - advertising on the websites of their manufacturers and importers); In addition, when specifying the size of the salary in employment advertising outside Belarus, such information should be documented and contained in the employment contract. These and other amendments to legislation, in the opinion of developers, should slightly facilitate consumer life.

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