How did 10 heroines of the Romanov actually look like, with whom we read in youth


A woman with difficult fate is always a special story that has genuine interest and sincere sympathy. We read books in which a strong heroine is not afraid to go against rules, circumstances or own feelings. And if you imagine that some characters were not invented by the author, and got into books straight from life?

We in the passed the books and found real people whose fate formed the basis of famous literary stories. See how our favorite heroines looked in life.

Margarita de Valua ("Queen Margo", Alexander Duma-Father)

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© La Reine Margot / Renn Productions, France 2 Cinéma, Da Films, © Wikimedia Commons

Marriage of the French princess Margarita Valua, sisters of King Charles IX, and Henrich Navarre's Huguenota was concluded from political considerations. He had to reconcile Catholics and Protestants. However, love peripetics, palace intrigues and bloody conspiracies made their contribution to these plans. The difficult fate of the queen Margo was described by Alexander Duma-seniors, and then repeatedly decreed. In one of the films, the role of Margo brilliantly performed Isabelle Ajani.

Joan Madu ("Triumphal Arch", Erich Maria Remarik)

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© Arch of Triumph / Viacom, © TonyPolar / Wikimedia Commons

The prototype of the wayward and beautiful singer Joan Mada from the Roman's remark "Triumphal Arch" is Marlene Dietrich. The writer was passionately in love with Dietrich. Their bright and dramatic novel lay the basis of the relationship between the German surgeon Ravik and the singer Joan. The appearance of the main character amazingly resembles the appearance of Marlene.

Hurrem Hseeki-Sultan ("Roksolana. Full history of the magnificent century", Pavel Zagrebal)

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© Muhtesem Yüzyil / Tims Productions, © wikimedia Commons

Hurrem Hseeki-Sultan (known as Roksolan) - concubine, and then the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I magnificent. According to one of the legends, Roksolana is a woman of Slavic origin, and her real name is Alexander Gavrilovna Lisovskaya. The special location of the Sultan to Cherrem Sovremniks could not explain to anything else, except for the witchcraft, which she applied towards Suleiman. Perhaps, therefore, European historiography captured Roksolan in the image of a cunning and powerful woman.

Robert Olden ("American tragedy", Teodor Diver)

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© A Place In The Sun / Paramount Pictures, © Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons

Grace Brown - Young American, whose death was organized by her young man on Lake Big Muz, after he learned about her pregnancy. The court over the suspect was widely published in the press. And Theodore Diver in 1925 wrote a novel, based on this event, and gave his heroine the name of Robert Olden. Subsequently, the book was decreed.

Jethyan ("Empress", Shan Ca)

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© Wu Mei Niang Chuan Qi / China Film Group Corporation, © Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons

In his novel, Shan SA opened the veil of the palace secrets of the East. Jesian is the only woman who was in power in China, and for the past 40 years. The hard path of Jethyan from the concubine to the Empress was accompanied by ambiguous estimates of contemporaries: some considered her brutal and sinful, others - wise and fair.

Emma Bovarie ("Mrs. Bovari", Gustave Flaubert)

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© Madame Bovalard / Occupant Entertainment, A Company, © Wikimedia Commons

The prototype of Emma Bovarie became Dolphin Demar (Kuturier) - a girl who did not humble with a boring boring life next to her husband. Flaubert carefully studied her story and painstakingly prescribed the image of the heroine, sometimes spending entire weeks on separate episodes and even months.

"Her black hair was divided into a thin probor, descended to the back of the back, on two bands, so smoothly combed that they seemed to be a whole piece; barely closing the ears, they were collected from behind in a magnificent chignon and laid the whiskey wavy line; The rural doctor saw this line for the first time in his life. The girl's cheeks were pink. "Geut Flaubert," Mrs. Bovari "

Anna Austrian ("Three Musketeers", Alexander Duma Father)

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© d'Artagnan and Three Musketeer / Odessa Film Studio, © wikimedia Commons

The relations of Anna Austrian and Louis XIII became one of the story lines of the famous Roman Alexander Duma-Father "Three Musketeers". Meanwhile, this woman played a big role in the events of the turbulent XVII century. Palace intrigues, relations with Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarini, the King of France and the Duke of Beckingham - all this Anna. Anna Austrian was a fair-haired and light-eyed. Her dazzling beauty on his canvase captured Rubens.

Anna Kirillovna ("Morphy", Mikhail Bulgakov)

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© Morphy / SVT, © Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons

Tatiana Nikolaevna Lappa, the first wife of Mikhail Bulgakov, is considered the main prototype of Anna Kirillovna in the story of "Morphy". Lappa was next to Bulgakov in the most difficult time for him. In Smolensk province, she supported him, he treated in Vladikavkaz, and in Moscow divided the first, the most hungry year.

Grace Marx ("She's Grace", Margaret Evwood)

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© Alias ​​Grace / Netflix, © Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons

The book is based on real events. In 1843, the servant Grace Marx was accused of deprived of his owner's life. Unlike his accomplice, Marx avoided execution. She was sentenced to life imprisonment, but after 30 years imprisoned pardons and released.

"The shoulders are wrapped in the palatine; The edges of the cap form the dark nimbers around the head. A straight nose, a lovely mouth, the expression of the face would consider Tomkin - a typical image of a thoughtful Magdalene, asked the big eyes into the emptiness. "Martareret Evwood," She's Grace "

Catherine Barkley ("Farewell, weapons!", Ernest Hemingway)

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© a FAREWELL TO Arms / 20th Century Fox, © Not Specified, Courtesy of the Hemingway Foundation / Wikimedia Commons

Agnes von Kurovski worked as a nurse at the American Red Cross Hospital in Milan during the First World War. She went out wounded Hemingway and promised to marry him. But then I loved the other and refused to follow the writer in the United States. "Blonde with golden skin and gray eyes" did not leave Hemingway's heart for a long time. In the novel "Farewell, weapons!" Agnes appeared in the image of Catherine Barkley.

What heroines seem to be the most close to their prototypes?

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