40 thousand "smart" electric meters will be installed in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2021

40 thousand

40 thousand intellectual electricity metering devices will be installed in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2021. This was announced by the Director General of Rosseti Center, the Management Organization of Rossi Center and Volga Region, Igor Makovsky.

They themselves pass the testimony for electricity, and consumers will be able to monitor the parameters of the supplied energy. By the beginning of this year, 164 thousand "smart" counters were already installed in the region, and now the installation work will continue. The level of automation at the end of 2020 is 22%.

In addition, thanks to these devices, the dispatcher before the call to the service will see that an accident occurred, the place of damage, its nature and volume will be known. This allows you to quickly switch consumers to backup lines, as well as send brigades to the location of the accident, and not specify the situation from the consumer by phone.

"In 2020, we set three times more intelligent metering devices than a year earlier. More than 430 thousand pieces in 20 regions of the company's presence. This is an element of digital transformation. For us, this intelligent accounting device is no longer a meter, but a real smart device. In real time, we observe what amount of resource is consumed as the quality of the power supply. We manage the capacity of the metering devices, we can apply a shutdown action, inclusion - this is also a certain reduction in our operating work within the legislation. And all technological information is accepted by the dispatcher, "said Igor Makovsky.

In addition, counters will help identify unacceptive consumption points, quickly respond to it and reduce losses and load on tariffs.

"Sometimes it turns out that for the unfair pays conscientious. This system allows you to exclude this injustice, "said Makovsky.

Installing new metering devices will be consumers whose counters are faulty, developed their resource or require verification, as well as to consumers whose power receivers have increased electricity consumption.

It is known that in 2019, the share of individual accounting in the regions of the presence of the company RosSeta Center was 11%, in 2020 - 18%. In 2021, the company plans to approach 30%.

"A third instrument park will have all this functionality. This allows you to build a clear electrical energy management system, "Igor Makovsky stressed.

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