Mystery of the stable canal in St. Petersburg

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Natalia Tennrovskaya is trying to solve the mystery of the stable canal in St. Petersburg. Explore the archives and photos of materials. Read more in our material.

Whether you happened by walking along the Griboedov Channel, near the colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral, look at the opposite shore and surprised, seeing that near the most Kazan bridge, the retaining wall of the embankment was lined with no granite, but by limestone, the same as the grounds were lined with many old houses in St. Petersburg?

In the midst of St. Petersburg, many swamps and swamps remained in the first decades, the water flowed out, the water was dirty, dirty, did not suit anything, nor for washing, these ducts were impassable for the Baroque, in which firewood was delivered to the city Materials and a lot more. And, most importantly, in such deaf flows, water did not leave the swamps and standing in the middle of the city.

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The most noticeable of such river was officially called deaf, it crossed the entire city from the stable courtyard to the mouth of the fontanka, and was extremely toastful, for which he received the second name - krivusch. It is told that the old people even in the post-war times said even as follows: krvushch, with an emphasis on the last syllable.

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In 1728, on the shore of a deaf river, below the flow, they put the Wooden Ascension Church and, since the deaf river in the city was not alone, then this was sometimes called a deaf Voznesensky river.

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Anna Ioannovna, who had time to make a lot for the decoration of St. Petersburg for ten years of his reign (1730-1740), commanded the source of a deaf river and connect it to the sink. Works began, but soon they were stopped. The first historian of St. Petersburg, A.I. Bogdanov, in the early 1750s, told about these events: "The channel begun on the Admiralty side, at the stable courtyard, to connect the deaf river Voznesenskaya. Now they are also left; 1732 year started. "

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In 1739, this channel received the official name stable and, although it is believed that the work on it was completed by this time, subsequent information about it is contradictory.

At the famous Tporkot-Mahaev plan, which was created in the late 1740s, we see from washing to the current Demidov of the bridge (in the target of the Gregsov alley) it is the channel, with straight shores, and, like now, with two sharp turns (there, Where is the banking bridge and in the area of ​​the Square), and then, to the fontster itself, the shores are shown in their primitive state. All this, so to speak, the water artery is named with a deaf river, the stuffing canal is not mentioned.

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The peculiarity of this plan, as well as many other plans of the XVIII century, is that it is depicted and what has already really existed, and what was only intended, and then something was, and something and not It was carried out. So this plan, so beautiful, sometimes leaves more questions than gives any answers.

One way or another, at the direction of Catherine in 1764, hydrotechnical work began to transform the entire deaf river into the canal. The project with the application of drawings and estimates of expenses presented a military engineer Illarion Matveevich Glenchev-Kutuzov, father of the future Field Marshal. In the long name of his project there were words: "... about holding a channel to prevent the inhabitants of the capital from the disastrous consequences of floods." Yes, such hopes attacked the channels at that time. The drum of the deaf river was then expanded and loose, the shores were hidden, but significant emissions in the lower flow were left to not deprive the urban scenery of painting. For this painting of radiation, we must be eternally grateful to Catherine II, which has made a special order on this.

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Naberezhnye Canal, which in 1766 received the name of Catherine, were dressed in granite, the shores were connected by stone and wooden bridges. The author of the project of embankments was also I.M. Kutuzov's Glenchev, led by work, except for him, Engineers V.I. Nazimov, F.V. Baur (Bauer, Boore) and I.N. Borisov. All work completed by 1798.

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So where did the limestone come from the Kazan bridge? Not everything is clear here. It is believed that this is exactly the place where the stable canal ended and where it was connected to a deaf river, and probably, his shores will be strengthened in the 1740s and were reinforced with limestone. In Catherine times, the retaining walls of the canal were also built from limestone, and granite only durable and beautiful finish over it. And about the fact that in Catherine and was finished over the limestone, at least some part of the channel, information seems to be found.

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On numerous photos, and pre-revolutionary, and Soviet, up to mid-1950s, we see that the walls of the initial channel segment were lined with limestone.

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Only the water itself is visible a strip of granite, a width of no more than one stone, border and stands on which lattices were attached, were also made of granite, as well as throughout the channel. Along the right shore, the line on which the limestone facing ended and the granite began, was near the house 19 (and the 21st is the house of the firm "Zinger"), and on the left bank, this line was against the Italian street. Around the mid-1950s both shores were separated by granite completely.

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As it turned out that a small piece of the embankment against the Kazan Cathedral remained and remained lined with limestone, it is incomprehensible. Well, I did not forget about him, in the very case. Left from sentimental considerations?

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Here I stop, because the whole story remained a mystery to me.

Posted by: Natalia Tennrovskaya

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