The site of the Russian node is adjusted under the city of Kazakhstanis - KNB


The site of the Russian node is adjusted under the city of Kazakhstanis - CNB

The site of the Russian node is adjusted under the city of Kazakhstanis - CNB

Astana. Dec. 31. KazTAG - the site coordinated by a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the United Russia party Evgeny Fedorov "National Liberation Movement" (Node) is adjusted under the city of Kazakhstanis, the National Security Committee (CNB) of Kazakhstan reports.

"In the authorities of the Justice of Kazakhstan, legal entities with the title" National-Liberation Movement "are not registered. In 2015, the Internet site "" was created. The working link varies depending on the city chosen by the user, including the list of all cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other post-Soviet countries. Registration address - city of Moscow, as a "fake" address marked: Kazakhstan headquarters of the city of Nur-Sultan, Syakanak Street, 19 (apartment building with commercial facilities on the first floor), "said KNB, responding to the official request of Mia KazTag.

Earlier, Mia KazTag published an extensive material called "Invasion to Ukraine, Ringings for Lukashenko and Cells in Kazakhstan - what you need to know about Nod." Later in the police of Nur-Sultan, the link leading to the "headquarters" of the noda in the capital was called Fakeek.

Recall, on December 10, the State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov, on the air of the State Russian TV channel, stated that "Kazakhstan simply did not exist, Northern Kazakhstan was not populated at all."

"They existed, but much south. And, in fact, the territory of Kazakhstan is a big gift from Russia and the Soviet Union, "Nikonov said on the air of federal television.

On December 12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan conveyed to the Russian diplomat note in connection with the statement of the State Duma deputy. Later, Nikonov said that "the interests of Kazakhstan were fully observed when determining the borders of the Kazakh SSR," and also expressed "the warmest feelings in the address of the fraternal people of Kazakhstan." Chairman of the Committee on International Relations, Defense and Security of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Kul Muhammed, commenting on Nikonov's statement, noted that the words of the State Duma deputy "are political irresponsibility and an insult."

It also became known that in Moscow, a banner "Northern Kazakhstan - Russian Earth" was placed on the fence of the Embassy of Kazakhstan. The incident occurred on December 11, the day after the Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the leading program "Big Game" Vyacheslav Nikonov said that Russia allegedly presented the territory of Kazakhstan. The detainee the building of the Embassy of Kazakhstan later let go.

Later, the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and connections with compatriots Viktor Kodolatsky on behalf of the Russian State Duma said that Russia fully recognizes the sovereignty of Kazakhstan. According to him, the two countries support strong friendly and partnerships in different areas, so he hopes that the incident with the statements of the State Duma Deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov will be settled.

Majilisman Bakhytbek Smagul also spoke about Nikonov's words, noting that Russia is great, and new lands to her for nothing.

On December 13, it became known that the poster "Northern Kazakhstan is the Kazakh land" heated before the consulate of Russia in Almaty. At the same time, reports appeared that the police detained the poster.

On December 14, a fragment of the video appeared, at which the State Duma deputy Evgeny Fedorov, commenting on the words of Nikonov, said that Russia should demand from Kazakhstan to give the territory. Fedorov, before receiving a deputy mandate, he worked on the Defense Council for the Administration of the President of Russia, held the post of Deputy Minister for Atomic Energy, is a colonel in resignation. According to Russian media reports, earlier he called Russia US colony. Fedorov himself heads the so-called "People's Liberation Movement", having headquarters and in Kazakhstan.

On the same day, the doctor of historical sciences, the Russian professor Viktor Kozoday, speaking about territorial claims to Kazakhstan Nikonov and Fedorov, questioned their competence in history issues, noting that the Kazakh Khanate was formed 15 years earlier than the "Russian state".

Famous Kazakhstan political scientist Daniyar Ashimbaev, commenting on Nikonov and Fedorov's statements, noted that Russia has not so many allies to allow themselves inadequate statements, and the famous Kazakhstan poet Olzhas Suleimenov, speaking of territorial claims to Kazakhstan, expressed the opinion that Kazakhstanians need to pay more attention to the northern regions of the country. Public figure Murat Auezov, commenting on ambiguous statements by Russian politicians, explained why the current geopolitical situation will not allow the "new Russian Empire". In Mazhilis, commenting on Nikonov and Fedorov's statements, noted that the official reaction and evaluation of the Russian side did not follow. The Amantai public figure of each statement "United Russia" called neophashism and neocolonialism. At the same time, the famous Kazakhstan political scientist Viktor Kovtunovsky, commenting on the performances of the United Russia deputies, stated that the silence of Kazakhstanis "not titular" is perceived as consent to the position of Russian politicians.

Also, on December 14, it also became known that in Nur-Sultan, the motorist jumped the barrier of the Russian Embassy.

On December 15, KazTag reported that five of the six regions bordering Russia were in Outsiders on subventions from the budget.

On December 16, it became known that the State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) Vladimir Zhirinovsky supported territorial claims to Kazakhstan from Nikonov. On the same day, Fedorov's new statements appeared - in particular, he stated that Russia needs to give the territory of Kazakhstan and the region of Belarus and Ukraine.

On December 17, the deputies of the State Duma deputies to Kazakhstan, KazTag commented by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Sadkov.

On December 18, Senator Ahylbek Kurishbayev called on to ban the entrance to the State Duma of Russia opposed Kazakhstan.

December 19, "Moscow Komsomolets" (MK) published an analytical material about the statements of the State Duma deputies and the reaction of Kazakhstanis. The publication indicates that Nikonov and Fedorov are not political marginals, but members of the ruling party "United Russia", but apologizing for their words, Moscow actually recognizes the invality of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Also, MK notes that "the concern of the Kazakhs can be understood", since everyone may be on the site of Ukraine. " At the same time, the publication of propaganda materials began in Russia, in which, among other things, it is argued that 74% of the population of Kazakhstan allegedly is "pro-Russian", nationalists are called "aggressive", in addition, a number of other statements that do not appropriate reality are applied.

On December 20, KazTAG brought the opinion of the famous Russian policy, a public figure and journalist Maxim Shevchenko, who stated that in the Astrakhan and the Orenburg region of Russia, the Kazakhs are indigenous ethnic groups, and also noted that "the Great Steppe is the abode of the birthplace of the Kazakhs, Turbs, nomadic peoples "

On December 22, it became known about the new statements by Fedorov, who, among other things, said that Kazakhstan was considering Kazakhstan as the Russian people, Kazakhs - as part of the Russian people, and Kazakhstan called "separatist territory."

On December 23, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi called the territorial claims of deputies of the State Duma of Russia "Brad Svoy Mare".

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