10 books for parents who came out in 2020


You could miss these new

Tips for raising children you will find in many sources. There are lectures of specialists, podcasts and steep publications.

But if you do not need a simple answer to a difficult question or a proven lifehak, and more detailed information on a specific topic, it is worth reading books for parents. In them, experts and experienced parents share their knowledge, observations and advise research of other specialists.

In 2020, many interesting books came out that you could miss. And not surprising, because the year was just crazy! But now we have gathered a dozen new books for you. To read them is never late.

Michael Grozus, "Why the firstborn rule the world, and the younger children want to change it"

Publisher "Portal"

Michael Ground is a famous Australian teacher, the creator of the site for parents Parenting Ideas and the author of ten popular books. Until Russia reached Russia, but this is one of the bestsellers of Groza.

In the book, the author shares his reasoning and research on how the order of the child affects the child's fate. One of the patterns is already reflected in the title, and in the book you yourself will find even more facts and observations.

The book, of course, is useful to read the parents of several children, but in general, it will be interesting to all adults.

Lydia Parhitko, "I'm angry! And I have the right. How mom take their feelings and find in them support "

Publisher "Bombor"

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With this book, you can deal with your feelings and establish relationships with the child. It describes the problem situations in which many mothers and methods of their permission are described.

The author not only gives advice, but also offers step-by-step instructions and even different games for the prevention of aggression.

The book recommends the leading Tatiana Lazarev and the author of bestseller "Children about the important" Natalia Remish.

Dima Zisser, "Responsibilities. Who should? "

Pubertress "Peter"

Dima Zisser is a famous teacher and a leading podcast "to love cannot be brought up."

In the podcast, he disassembles different problem situations, discusses them with parents and children and answers questions from listeners.

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During the release of the podcast, quite interesting materials were accumulated, which deserved to get into separate books. This is devoted to the responsibilities of children.

It consists of text versions of the episodes of a podcast in which Dima Zisser discussed with his parents, how to distribute homework, instill useful habits to children (and dealt what is the habit of such) and much more.

Andrew Matthews, "How to Stop Travel? Help the child cope with offenders on the Internet and school »

Publisher "Bombor"

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The description says that the book is addressed to adolescents and their parents, but it is definitely worth reading the parents of children to women.

Children face trace and at a more young age, and stories from this book and the author's tips will help to recognize the problem on time and solve it.

The author describes the features of cyberbulling, trace among girls and gives advice to victims of bullying. Parents thanks to the book will be able to understand whether their child has become a victim or aggressor, and find out how to help the child.

Michelle Borb, "Independent children. How to develop an epipathy in a child and how it will help him succeed in life "

Myth publishing house

This book also affects the issues of traffacent, because its author believes that the cause of child cruelty is in the lack of empathy. And the lack of empathy prevents children to study at school, develop throughout life, to achieve success, be happy and harms a children's psyche.

The book has not only research and reasoning about the importance of empathy, but also practical advice that will help parents develop this quality in their children.

Madeline Levin, "The most valuable. What is really important to teach a child to grow successful and happy "

Myth publishing house

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But one empathy is not enough to solve all the problems and live a long lucky life. Children's psychologist Madeline Levin tells what skills will help to succeed.

Many argue because of whether children need to strive for success in general, will not bring it more harm than good. The author of the book is confident that it is necessary to achieve high goals, but it is important to follow some rules.

Useful tips and exercises will help change the best life of not only a child, but also his parents.

Ekaterina Kuznetsova, "Children, home! Very honest adoption history »

Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Ekaterina Kuznetsova - Genetic and famous blogger. In Instagram, she shares stories from his life, but this book included the details that did not know the most devoted readers.

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And those who are not signed on Catherine, but is preparing to become a foster parent or loves books about parents in general, this read will be especially interesting.

The author says, what difficulties are waiting for future parents, how to cope with emotions in the process of adoption and build relationships with children.

Victoria Chogland, "Dutch children sleep all night"

Publisher AST.

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Victoria Chogland - blogger and chief editor of the publication for Russian-speaking emigrants in Europe Trendz. On the Internet, she talks about his experience in immigration and life in the Netherlands.

And in this book focused on the peculiarities of the style of education of Dutch parents and his differences from Russian traditions.

Let it be not a serious book from experts, but there is a lot of humor and life stories. Another book recommended Dr. Komarovsky and even supplied it with his photoillus.

Lyudmila Petranovskaya, "All-all-all about the upbringing of children"

Publisher AST.

You have long been tearing and do not know which book Lyudmila Petranovskaya to buy first?

Now the problem is solved, because three books collected in this edition:

"If hard with the child"

"A secret support: affection in the life of a child"

"SELFMAMA: Lifehaki for a working mother."

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From the first you will learn how to resolve conflicts, cope with the difficult behavior of the child and raise it without quarrels. The second author tells how parents affect the child at every stage of growing up. And the third gives useful tips to help mothers find the balance between the upbringing of the child and work.

Maria Kardakova, "First soup, then dessert"

Myth publishing house

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Specialist in the field of public health UK Maria Kardakova figured out how to feed the child to grab the vitamins, what to do if the child eats too little or too much.

And also, how to wean it eat a bunch of sweets and choose a menu for children with allergies and features of development. Practical recommendations will help diversify the child's nutrition and the whole family, and also inspire you to try new recipes.

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