Psychology of overeating: 10 hidden causes of completeness


Attempts to get rid of overeating and excess weight can be vain if a person has a secret (often unconscious) the motive "in any incomprehensible situation" and remain full. The reason is in our head. Often - in the subconscious. And most - with us since childhood.

Consider 10 such subconscious installations and try to figure out what to do with it. Remember: the psychological causes of completeness are not a sentence. You can and you need to fight.

Cause 1. Attracting attention

Children who lack love, unconsciously seek ways to attract attention. Some even begin to eat more to become larger, more noticeable. And this habit comes with them further in life.

What to do? Each time, sitting down, remind yourself: "I am a self-sufficient person and I have no need to prove to someone's significance."

Cause 2. Protective Reflex

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Sensitive and vulnerable people often eat a lot, because they strive to become more "thick-skinned", forming a layer of "protective" fat like an air cushion, softening the blows of fate. This is not too common, but it takes place.

What to do? If you roll over the experiences, the soul is disturbing the excitement, think about good moments, remember something funny, pleasant. Finally, try to distract with something besides meals.

Cause 3. Delicious prize

Many parents tend to encourage children for good behavior or successful marks. And those in adult life continue to reward themselves with snacks for any achievement. And often uniformly.

What to do? Everything is simple here - find non-food forms of promotion for yourself: travel, spa treatments, theaters, books, TV shows, beautiful outfits, perfume.

Cause 4 Black Day

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If a person lives in an unstable, nervous setting, is constantly afraid of the deterioration of his position (a family will be reduced at work, the family will collapse, the bank will take a mortgage apartment), the body under the influence of constant stress seeks to create a "airbag" from fat (by analogy with cause # 2).

What to do? Stop panicing without reason. You can also try various sedative techniques: meditation, yoga. Herbal teas with chamomile, lime, Valerian, hawthorn help to many.

Cause 5. Exercise

When a person is afraid to take responsibility, he seeks to find all sorts of excuses to his behavior. And completeness is one of these excuses. "I have no good work due to the fact that I am fat (Aya)," "Personal life does not develop because of completeness." And in fact, such people often just lazy and immature.

What to do? Take yourself in the hands and try to become the owner of your destiny. This is a rather difficult case, so it is better to disassemble him with a psychologist.

Cause 6. Welfare Marker

Fullness is perceived by many as a welfare marker and prosperity. This is definitely a very obsolete installation, because from obesity now they suffer mostly poor people. And, nevertheless, many still consider completeness to be a result of a good life.

What to do? Of course, to absorb new installations that prosperous people in financially in the overwhelming majority are slim. Overweight is harm to health, and not a validity indicator at all.

Cause 7. Complexes and insult

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Such people are always unhappy with themselves or are angry, they consider themselves losers. They do not solve problems, but are looking for excuses (by analogy with the cause number 5). Why do the loser follow the figure?

What to do? It is stopped being able to engage in self and start living real life, love yourself and take at least a few attempts to achieve success. What if it turns out?

Cause 8. Protest

If your environment has people who are trying to crush, including their "positive example," will persuade to lose weight or try to take "on weakly", they put an ultimatum, let go of caustic remarks about your figure, it is quite logical that a protective reaction occurs .

What to do? Do not look around on others, but to engage in your own health at your own request.

Cause 9. Lack of joy, boredom

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The easiest way to enjoy is to eat delicious. And when a person is bored, sad and want positive emotions, he takes food.

What to do? Here (by analogy with the cause number 3), we must look for more secure "substitutes". Sign up for dancing, more often go to theaters, cinema, boothes hobbies, start visiting cultural events.

Cause 10. Habit feed

In many of us, since childhood, there is an installation - feed deliciously in the house of the incoming. This is especially true of moms and grandmothers. Therefore, family gatherings often turn into firing.

What to do? Make new traditions! With relatives, you can not only sit at the table, but also walking, visiting bowling, swimming pool, skiing and skating together.

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