Mystery life of red protein-cannibals


American depths are full of interesting facts about nature. History tells about the murder committed with special cruelty. If possible, it would be possible to make a decree. The main character is an unsuccessful rodent. A red squirrel is a fluffy animal that is trying to make a desertion.

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You need to know about the consequences of terrible events. In North America, events took place with the participation of rodents. On the territory located between Alaska and Georgia, the priest found in the abandoned forest. Park area in the city is attractive for animals. Here, the proteins found a cozy woo and settled in it. It is safe and correct.

City parks - places of cluster of animals. Cozy hollow - shelter for protein. Rest from fuss, and accommodation in good conditions has become acceptable for them. Rest, cold protection began to help proteins to prepare for difficult everyday life. The future criminal was born.

In his youth, the villain was the usual animal. Fluffy and redhead - did not stand out among the fellow. Becoming an adult, he began to turn into a protein. Grew to 30 centimeters - the length of the ordinary animal. The fur was cast a brick tint and highlighted the animal against the rest of the rest. Abdominal white silver in the air. There were light circles around the eyes. Signs are simple, ordinary, not outstanding.

Summer time squirrel held, feeding with berries, nuts, mushrooms. In winter, she watched what was collected in the summer. Holidays in Dupel helped restore strength and energy.

A closed beast could live differently, but chose the path of loneliness. Rodent avoided the companies, lived aside from prying eyes.

Many detractors were in proteins. They were mink, cunits. Predators scary scared squirrel. The animal was hiding in the voupel. Hunting was kept constantly. Lunch from the protein would like predators. The provocations of the hero led to the fierce of the beast.

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The "criminal" became known to others. Romantic history began from afar. In the spring of the marriage season covers protein. Branches are joyful pieces. Cavalelers are looking for beauties - ladies. They are scheduling for Belchikha.

The criminal looked after her beautiful and ran after her. The mysterious view of the animal was very attracted by Belchikha. He was attractive, superbly "cared for beauty." The organization of the BELICH nest was necessary. Normal proteins establish a nest for life. Pregnancy takes 40 days. Children appear in the amount of 6 fluffy animals. This is a bakery. Belchikh had a young. The hero arrived not on time. Males of red protein Desperate beasts.

When growing "adoptive children", males of red protein behave not too friendly. They do not like to spend time. Forces, resources should not leave for other people's children. Relieve native more interesting. Solve the problem of the male wanted by murder. Young from the previous parquer annoyed the current one. He wanted to eat them.

Lachats died from the dentions of the male. The cruel participant of the bloody drama achieved his way of getting rid of other people. Then he had his own. From he hesplah does not go away and protects his bullshit. He cares about children, but committed a murder of other people's shoes. Other males can harm him by applying power. Cool killers scarecrow surrounding animals.

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