Pigs and coal mining - New Huawei priorities


In search of paths of further business development, Huawei is looking for more and more new directions. Some ways of applying technologies seem too unusual, but it is necessary to pay attention to them. This time it became known that Huawei decided to refer to the technologies of pig breeding. So she responds to harsh sanctions against its smartphones. If you do not work yet, you need to direct all your resources and tremendous opportunities to another channel, which will allow the company to remain afloat, and in the future it will be the main, or additional business, but still will not pass, which is called "past the cash register ".

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New business huawei will be associated with these animals.

Why huawei does not produce smartphones

Let me remind you that the Chinese telecommunication giant has been prohibited access to vital components for the production of smartphones and other equipment. It happened after the administration of Donald Trump called the company "Threat to US National Security".

Former US President Donald Trump said that Huawei can share data on clients with the Chinese government, but the company has repeatedly denied these allegations.

What do you think, will Honor survive without Huawei?

In response to the decline in sales of Huawei smartphones, it has long been to look for other sources of income for yourself. Along with the technologies of artificial intelligence (AI) for Huawei pig breeds, it also works with the coal-mining industry. This is not counting attempts to be preserved in the field of technology, engaged in the production of accessories for smartphones.

Will Huawei produce smartphones

Technically, Huawei can produce smartphones, but only those that do not support 5G - technology, the development of which in the world is largely merit Huawei itself.

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Huawei makes good smartphones, but now is not their time.

Sales of Huawei smartphones fell by 42% in the last quarter of 2020. It was at this time that the company faced the limited supplies of microchips due to sanctions. Analysts predict a further decrease in the sales of smartphones by 60% in 2021, but to confirm or disprove their data can only time.

What will happen to huawei

So, Huawei seems to be looking for other sources of income - transition to cloud computing technology, intelligent cars and wearable devices. The company even has plans for creating a smart car. And even in the number of interests of the company, as noted above, includes pig breeding.

CEO of Huawei called the iPhone 12 best smartphone in the world

In China, the world's largest pig-breeding industry, and half of the pigs in the world grows in this country. Technologies will help modernize pig farms due to the introduction of AI to identify diseases and tracking the pigs themselves. It is possible even to apply face recognition technology (well or face). What works with people can work with pigs, because any living creature has unique biological features that can be fixed.

Along with this, it is possible to use other indicators important in this area. For example, pig weight, their diet and health indicators.

Huawei has long been developing face recognition technology to determine people in the stream, but last month encountered criticism. Her system does not always correctly defined the faces of representatives of some nations.

Who competes Huawei

Other Chinese technological giants, including JD.com and Alibaba, are already working with pig farmers in China above the introduction of new technologies, and accession to them Huawei will be extensive evidence of the importance and depths of this market.

Earlier this month, the founder and executive director of Huawei Renz Zhengfei announced the creation of an innovation laboratory in the mining industry in Shanxi province in the north of China.

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Huawei will be here

He wants to develop technology for coal mines, which will allow "to reduce the number of workers, improve safety and improve efficiency." And it will allow miners to "wear costumes and ties" at work.

During a round table meeting at the event, Renz Zhengfei said that the company also expands in the field of consumer goods, such as televisions, computers and tablets.

Top for your money: like Xiaomi tears Apple, Samsung and Huawei in Russia.

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