In pursuit of beauty A resident of Vladimir received an abscess of cheeks

In pursuit of beauty A resident of Vladimir received an abscess of cheeks 3620_1
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In pursuit of ideal, sometimes you can disappoin. On the eve, a resident of Vladimir Evgenia Logunova decided to sign up for a new-fashioned procedure in one of the local clinics. The girl introduced the so-called plasmogel. The result is the abscess of the cheek, lost time and money.

As Evgenia told on social networks, this clinic recommended that a single friend who gave positive feedback.

- The essence of the plasmolifting method in the subcutaneous administration by platelets enriched with the plasma of the patient's own blood. Thus, you can smooth out nasolabial folds. I was warned that there may be edema that goes in the first 2-4 days. After the procedure, alcohol cannot be consumed for several days, go to the sauna. I kept it all. The contract concluded after my requirement, the document was prepared for several days, - Evgenia is divided.

However, a day after the procedure, the girl has a cheek swollen. She immediately went to the clinic, where she was injected by Plasmogel. There Evgenia calmed down, saying that the swelling would pass. But the next day swelling increased in size. The city-stop again came to examine the surgeon, he assured her: everything is fine. On the third day, the swelling went down, looked like a flux, and a "bag" appeared under the eye.

- visited 3 surgeons and gave me a direction to the Red Cross. Only 5 surgeons looked at me. In an extract from the history of the disease, the abscess of the left cheap region is indicated. After that he lay down in the hospital. Abscess revealed the blessing through the mouth, and therefore the scar of the face will not remain. I stayed in a hospital for eight days, and even on the holiday of March 8, I could not come home. Three days there can almost could not, rescued with functional food. Antibiotics intramuscularly, injections in the stomach and dropper, "Evgenia complained.

The bump after the operation will be dissolved for a long time, according to doctors. The girl was appointed a course of lymphatic drainage massage.

Evgenia Logunova demanded from the clinic, where she made an unsuccessful procedure for the introduction of plasmogel, to compensate for its treatment costs and lost time: "Damage in the amount of at least 100,000 rubles, including a lost benefit - during the time I was in the hospital could would earn 25,000. "

According to the victim, at the moment with representatives of the clinic managed to agree. Agreed the amount of compensation less required by installments for three months. Eugene added if the damage is paid - it will not apply to law enforcement agencies.

The correspondent of "Vladimir News" also contacted the staff of the Almond Clinic, where Evgenia Logunova did "Proshi Beauty". In the medical institution we did not refuse comments, and they told, whether customers often complain about side effects after this procedure.

- The only case of one hundred. In addition, this patient has already made a similar procedure with us. No contraindications, the method is absolutely safe. Moreover, the previous time everything went well. In this case, negative consequences are caused by the individual intolerance to the body of its own blood plasma. Plus, the supercooling has played its role and internal (subcutaneous) warts. We all decided now with Evgenia. They agreed on the amount of 60 thousand rubles of compensation, "said the representative of the clinic, in which the city-downtrend made an unsuccessful beauty procedure.

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