Investigations in respect of a number of bread and sunflower oil producers have begun in Kazakhstan


Investigations in respect of a number of bread and sunflower oil producers have begun in Kazakhstan

Investigations in respect of a number of bread and sunflower oil producers have begun in Kazakhstan

Astana. 10th of March. KazTAG - investigations in relation to a number of producers of bread and sunflower oil has begun in Kazakhstan, the press service of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition (AZRK) reports.

"Since the beginning of 2021, six investigations were appointed with the anti-monopoly authority in connection with the non-fulfillment of price reduction notifications against two bread producers, two manufacturers of sunflower oil and two retail chains," the department reported on Wednesday.

The AZRK added that new response measures were adopted at the current week.

"Quoted 25 notifications about price reduction: 13 egg manufacturers; seven manufacturers of sunflower oil; two wholesale sugar suppliers; Three wholesale suppliers of buckwheat cereals. For these product positions in two months, the greatest price increase was occurred - from 3% to 11%. Information is requested by product positions of socially significant grocery products (SZPT), where the price increase in separate regions also exceeded 3%. These are producers of bread, flour, chicken meat, macaroni (horns), milk, kefir, cottage cheese, butter creamy. Within 10 days after the establishment of signs of violations regarding them, response measures will also be taken, "they emphasized the department.

Thus, according to AZRK, 12 commercial SPT commodity markets and almost all of their large manufacturers and wholesale suppliers are covered with antitrust control.

"The remaining commodity positions are fruit and vegetable products with seasonal price increases or commodity markets, where the growth index does not exceed the level of last year. In turn, agricultural producers as the causes of price increases noted the reduction in the volume of egg production by 15% due to the case, an increase in the cost of feed by 150%, the massive export of raw materials - sunflower, the increase in the value of raw sunflower oil by 30%, increase the cost of reed sugar Raw 25%, reduction of sown areas of buckwheat by 40%. In this regard, the antimonopoly authority made proposals in the project-developed roadmap for the stabilization of prices for socially significant food products on each problemary SPT market, "concluded in the agency.

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