Is it possible to break the Android smartphone in games: truth and fiction


Sharing a smartphone on Android is the first priority dream of the owner of any apparatus that has been fulfilled for more than two years. Usually overclocking is required for games that the smartphone is not tritely drawn or pulls, but on the minimum settings. After all, for other tasks of an increased level of speed, as a rule, not required, and the games are almost the only thing that can be loaded with modern devices. This is actively used by developers who offer users of the application for the performance of their smartphones. But do they work?

Is it possible to break the Android smartphone in games: truth and fiction 3356_1
It is believed that overclocking a smartphone in games under the usual application. But is it?

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If you open Google Play and score in the search for the Game Booster or Game Boost phrase, you will see several dozen applications, whose developers promise smartphones a tangible productivity gain in games. It sounds tempting, given that the total number of downloads of the most popular utilities reaches 10 million and even more. And since, as users think, millions of people can not make mistakes, most likely, applications really work and allow you to increase speed. True, in fact, everything is not quite so.

Smartphone overclocking application

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This is how performance boost looks like in Game Booster

To make sure what, I downloaded the most popular solution with the uncomplicated name Game Booster. It was interesting to me that this can do this app. After all, it is impossible to increase performance without changing hardware. You can only twist the settings to optimize the software. However, in general, the miracle is not worth waiting. So came out.

The first thing we see, launching Game Booster, is the current state of the smartphone. The application shows an unemployed amount of RAM, the current processor temperature (affects the trottling), the FPS counter and the automatic optimization switch of the device. As far as I understood, autoopimization is responsible for unloading applications from the multitasking menu. But that's not all.

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If you press the Boost button, then after a short animation, you will appear in front of you with the smartphone acceleration parameters and the percentage increase in the performance of each of them:

  • Optimization of the desktop ("correct" location of the controls of OS, applications, widgets and other components - plus 26%;
  • Optimization of the Internet connection by using advanced DNS servers - plus 25%;
  • Protection of Internet connections using a VPN client - plus 23%;
  • Protection of application password and biometry - plus 26%.

Is it possible to break the old smartphone

A little strange selection, right? After all, if the first two parameters are still somehow applicable in practice, the presence of two latter in this list causes doubts about the adequacy of developers or at least in their honesty. So it turned out. Pressing each of these items led to Google Play to download the appropriate application, obviously promoted by the Game Booster developers. For example, to optimize the desktop I was offered to me some strange launcher, and to protect the Internet connection - a dubious VPN service. I think the overall level of recommendations is understandable.

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All boost boils down to the installation is incomprehensible to which applications promoted by the developer Game Booster

It is important to understand that it is impossible to overclock the smartphone on the old gland. The fact is that the conviction is that over time, any machine begins to work slower, because it is clogged with cache files and other garbage, in the root incorrectly. I already talked about the benefits of the cache and why it is not worth it for a permanent basis. And your smartphone slows down because of your personal perception: just you begin to want to want more and it seems that the once fast smartphone has slowed down with anyone, but it is not.

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No, I do not want to say that applications like Game Booster is useless to 100%. Some benefits are still carrying. For example, with their help it is convenient to clean the operational memory, closing all running applications, it is convenient to control the temperature of the processor and predict the beginning of the trolling, and it is also convenient to track the behavior of the FPS. Another thing is that it is possible to unload applications from memory and manually, but you still can't prevent the reduction of the clock frequency of the processor due to overheating. Therefore, do not excuse and do not pay for this kind of software your blood.

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