Suspended the construction of a sensational "man" in Almaty


Suspended the construction of a sensational

Suspended the construction of a sensational "man" in Almaty

Astana. 26 March. KazTag - Adel Rustemova. The press service of Akimat Almaty published a document on the suspension of the project of the development of the territory of the former "fruit mechanical plant".

"A project of building a land plot at the address: ul. Zhandosova, 94, 94/16, 94/8; ul. Kekilbayuly, 6; ul. The 20th line, 39 (the so-called rn "fruit mechanical plant") is suspended. Pre-project documentation for the construction of an apartment building with the objects of servicing the population of the population, "the document on Friday said.

It was also noted that, on the recommendation of the Office, the developer will develop and present a new sketchy project, taking into account the density of the development, the burden on urban engineering networks. The draft document will be held all the necessary procedures, including public discussions.

In addition, the developer will be necessary to provide for social objects in the sketch of social objects.

"Thus, the construction of the so-called" man "in the specified area of ​​Almaty will not be allowed," they summarized in Akimat.

Previously, the former head of the KEGOs JSC Asset Nauryzbyev called on to stop the "construction mafia".

"Today, in the chat rooms of Almatyints, this nightmare is walking from the Rams Developer. She joined the shameful series of "Bases" and Bi-Group, turning Almaty to a gigantic man. At the site of the fruit mechanical plant, the ghetto of an unprecedented scale is going to erect (although waiting, lowering the upper "Mega" approximately such a ghetto is almost built). And obedient arrestants are preparing to call in these prisons, because it seems like cheaper. Someone's idiotic idea that the existing building density does not allow to create a dense flow of pedestrians for the operation of service enterprises, creates a crazy load on the city infrastructure, overlaps the air flows, forms huge traffic jams, "Nauryzbya wrote on his social network page.

In his opinion, "Especially Idiotic this idea seems to be in Kazakhstan, where the population density is one of the lowest and places for the settlement of a multiplying population - full."

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