Safety Tales: Neurourage

Safety Tales: Neurourage 3269_1

- Hi Bob!

- Good morning, chef! Who are we pursuing this time?

- We have an interesting thing, and we do not know how to solve it.

- I can help?

- I think no. But still listen.

- Yes?

- Yesterday in the house on the 15th street, a man was killed 40 years old. The house was under guard. It only has two exits. Both are served by video cameras, however, as the entire perimeter of the house. Judging by the records of the cameras of this house, however, like on chambers of neighboring houses, no one went out of the house.

- In the house there were extraneous?

- Yes. Another man and two women. Judging by their stories, they were all far from the room in which he was killed and did not hear anything. Murder tool - 22rd caliber gun with silencer. Fingerprints are not detected. The killer was in gloves.

- In short, there is a killer, but there are no killers?

- Yes. And lies detector on the island are not.

- This is problem?

- Bob, are you laughing? Or are you kidding?

- Laugh, of course!

- shorter. What do you suggest?

- I suggest our further conversation to transfer to the hospital of St. Luke, more precisely, to the neurophysiology department of this hospital. There is a magnificent Dr. Karl Moore. Just call him and tell me that I asked him to be in place. Bring all three suspects there. Tell me that you need to conduct their examination. Well, come up with something!

- And how will it help us?

- Chef, do you trust me? I led you at least once? Just believe!

An hour has passed.

- So, gentlemen, I need to hold a small experiment, which will allow me to be convinced of your innocence. Now Dr. Moor will work with you. And you will need to answer his questions. Who is first?

- Let's first be me.

- Well, Valerie, you are the first. Go around, go comfortable. For the purity of the experiment to go out, you will be through another door. Your companions should not know what is happening here.

15 minutes passed.

- John, pass, now your turn. Sit comfortably. Begin. We will simply measure the electrical activity of your brain. Please look at these photos.

The policeman presented photos from the crime scene, and at the moment when the tool used in a crime was shown, John's brain showed strong electrical activity.

- John, did you kill him?

- But how did you find out?

In the course of further interrogation, the impression of the criminal was immediately confessed and provided the police for additional information about the murder.

- Bob, I understand that you are a wizard, but how ???

- Everything is simple. We have long been friends with Carl. He somehow explained to me that the memories of life events, their details and experiences are kept in the memory of a person. When they appear again in front of it, the brain begins to emit waves that can be fixed by sensors that take off the electroencephalogram. The basis of the technology applied in the investigation of the murder is the registration of the so-called wave of P300, which is caused by cognitive activities, when a person decides, evaluates something or the categorization of objects. In fact, we get accurate analytical data about whether a person or suspect at the crime scene and is he who knows about the gunners. In the frequency of these waves, you can even identify the victim.

Two days passed.

- Yes, aa. Bob, you are really a wizard. You know how to think non-standard! Thank you! Think about the possibility of further learning. The governor granted me the right to pay any your studies.

Fiction? Not at all! Such technologies already use the Dubai police.

Source - Vladimir's blank blog "be, not to seem. About security and not only. "

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