Head Tesla Ilon Mask announces a donation of $ 100 million to develop carbon trapping technology

Head Tesla Ilon Mask announces a donation of $ 100 million to develop carbon trapping technology 319_1

"I am a victim of $ 100 million for the prize for the best carbon trapping technology"

Tesla General Director Ilon Mask in his Twitter said that he would donate $ 100 million as a prize for the best carbon trapping technology. The problem of "global warming" is one of the most topical environmental problems of today. In the network it is not difficult to find photos indicating dramatic climate change in many parts of the world - the reduction of glaciers, the onset of the seas and oceans on the land, decrease due to the drought of freshwater reservoirs. So those who say that this problem does not exist, either shy, to put it mildly, or sincerely misunderstand all seriousness of the problem. Electric vehicles and renewable energy, of course, will make their positive contribution, but this is not a fast process that will delay for 20-30 years, and some decisions must be taken and more quickly.

Head Tesla Ilon Mask announces a donation of $ 100 million to develop carbon trapping technology 319_2

Of course, one of the main "catchers" and "drives" CO2 are forests. But let's see how the Amazonian Selvka is mercilessly cut down, which catastrophic volumes are burning in Siberia. At the same time, some Russian governors do not just treat it negligently, but even sometimes with the bold arrogance.

Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss on the Biryus-2019 Youth Forum: "There is a category that we call the control zone - where the fire is not agitated by definition, and there is a security zone, where fires stew. What concerns the control zone is mostly the northern territory, fires there arise regularly mainly due to thunderstorm activity. It was a hundred, two hundred, and three hundred, and five hundred years ago. Now, if we have a cold weather in winter and a blizzard arises, no one comes to mind ... Turn the icebergs ... so that we have warmer. Something similar, I think, in relation to forest fires in the control zone. The fact is that this is the usual natural phenomenon, to deal with which is meaningless, and maybe even somewhere harmful. "

So in addition to the necessary control over the preservation and restoration of forests, we need new technologies that will contribute to the capture of carbon dioxide. Especially in the zones of industrial production, which has not yet passed on environmentally friendly technologies, and in megalopolis, which are often drowning in smith from cars with DVS, and from old dirty generation. That is, Ilon Mask, let's say, opened a new "front" for the salvation of the earth's ecosystem.

The concept of carbon dioxide capture was proposed as a potential solution for slowing the climate change due to a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, or even appeal to back in the future. So far, modern carbon trapping technologies are often ineffective and increase energy production costs, which makes it uncompetitive. But as we know, Ilona can be considered a successful technological revolutionary, which he proved by creating Tesla, Spacex, Starlink. Now turn for "carbon". I hope that it will choose his most effective from the proposed technologies, and the process will go as quickly and inevitably like Tesla and Starlink.

Head Tesla Ilon Mask announces a donation of $ 100 million to develop carbon trapping technology 319_3
In the background dynamics of changes related to the deterioration of the climate situation - the reduction of shore lines, the melting of glaciers, the drainage of lakes ...

Ilon Mask had previously stated that the mission of Tesla is to speed up the appearance of electrical transport and renewable energy sources to solve the problem of climate change. Also at the conference in the framework of the Paris Agreement, he called the emission of a large amount of carbon dioxide "the most stupid experiment in history" into the atmosphere. He explained that due to the limited number of fossil fuels of fuel, humanity will eventually have to go to renewable energy sources.

Ilon Mask: "Tesla's mission - speed up the transition to try to avoid the worst scenario, but if necessary, carbon capture may be important for restricting or reversing the effects of this" stupid scientific experiment (artificial emissions into the atmosphere of a large amount of carbon dioxide) ".

Regarding its new initiative, he promised to give expanded information next week.

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