"Omona's wife C 5000 rubles of alimony is unrealistic." The investigator from Bypol talks about the salaries salaries


As a rule, the salaries salaries are the topic for the Belarusian society closed. It is impossible to find such information in official sources. As a result, there is a huge number of speculations and rumors. One of the former investigators on particularly important cases, which resigned in August 2020, told Onliner about how much I earned myself, being a lieutenant colonel, as well as how the maximum premiums received security forces during last year's protests.

"1500 rubles Plus Prize - out of 1600-1700"

The investigator on particularly important ACS on the Grodno region Igor Loban left the bodies in August last year after refused to investigate criminal cases against protesters. Later, a man posted in Instagram appeal to the then to the Minister of Internal Affairs Yuri Karaev. After that, he had to go abroad, and now it consists of unification of BYPOL security forces.

- I had a lieutenantkone position, so the salary was about 1,500 rubles. About 1600-1700 rubles went with the award, - Igor said. - In general, the salary of the investigator consists of the salary and various allowances. I had a salary in the area of ​​900 rubles, and at the expense of various premises, the amount I voiced. The premiums were generally a lot, and they were specific: for example, for special conditions of service, and so on. Can be encouraged even for the disclosure of crimes. Sometimes the quarterly bonuses were about 300-350 rubles.

Work or take an additional paid load in the investigative committee, according to Igor, will not come out.

- In theory, salaries vacant posts should be distributed among employees. But there was no such thing in the IC, at least in my units, "he says. - In the district departments, the SK uniquely there is a noncomplete in the lower divisions that work "on earth". They have increased load, but additional money, as a rule, do not pay. Although, for example, in the police, the same precincts pay extra for servicing two zones instead of one.

Additional money the investigator can get in the form of bonuses. For example, in the summer, when the employee goes on vacation (the number of days depends on the length of service, Igor was more than 10 years - it is 35 days), he is supposed to be a benefit of recovery - as a rule, in the amount of salary.

"When I went on vacation, I received a salary for the current month, the so-called vacation allowance and improved benefits," the man explains.

Also an important bonus for employees of the Investigative Committee is the opportunity to receive a preferential loan for the construction of housing when driving at least five years. In addition, compensation is provided for renting housing, but according to Igor Loban, the amounts that are paid to the investigators are completely housing.

- As a rule, it is about 100-150 rubles per month. In Grodno, shoot odnushku costs from $ 100 in the equivalent, - he notes.

"If you spread the contract pay for five years, comes around $ 50-60 per month"

Another weighty bonus is a surcharge for the contract. As in the remaining power structures, in the SC at the conclusion of the contract, quite large sums pay. The whole snag is that when they dismissal before, they need to be returned.

- I concluded a contract at the end of 2017. I paid something about $ 4 thousand without taxes. Contract money (now it is about 7 thousand rubles) with me caught unconditionally. Plus I went pretty loud. On August 14, I published a post with an appeal to the Karaev, and then it turned out that I was removed from the post on August 14, although I was on vacation from August 10. Accordingly, the holidays and salary are charged with the 14th with me, the price of the claim is about 1.5 thousand rubles.

The former investigator notes that often the contractual money becomes the crochet that holds many employees: one-time payout is very weighty.

- As soon as the employee receives contract money, he immediately spends them. Therefore, when dismissal, such large sums are always very difficult, - the man explains. "Although if it is replaced by this contract for five years to spread this contract, then, in fact, you are paid me. We believed something about $ 50-60 came out. You could safely calmly postpone this money and nothing should be anything. Plus, a number of employees enter into contracts for a year or two, the contracts are paid at the conclusion of the contract for a period of three years or more.

As for the rest of the bonuses, there is still an outfit, for which, when dismissal, will also have to pay.

"For example, you received the cite in 2019, but quit in the 2020th," Igor explains. - You charge the difference for the shock absorption of this nurse. Although I can hardly use this twig somewhere. I will not go to civil work in it and I will not wear it in everyday life. The form can be worn with a 20-year-old service when the employee is dismissed with the right wearing uniform uniform. Otherwise, it is impossible to wear it in principle.

According to Igor, the salary of the investigator compared to other salaries in Belarus is quite good, especially for the regions.

- If the coming lieutenant gets a thousand rubles at once, then this is a good salary for Grodno. In the Grodno to a young green man, only the completed university, such a salary is very problematic. And this is a worthy salary in those realities in which Belarus lives, "the former investigator marks. - Another question is that the same salary can be found on a citizen, would be desire. True, employees of the power structures from the first year of service say: they say, you do not need anyone, there are queues in your place and so on.

Therefore, gradually the employee has a realization that if he is on a citizen, it will not be able to find a job and will go on inclined.

Although the employee of the power structures says that its place is worth the turn when you are going to dismiss, then come across problems. When dismissal, you are not allowed. By agreement of the parties to quit almost unrealistic. Many even commit an intentional walk to dismiss them.

Or here is a real story about dismissal from the Investigative Committee. For the work at night they do not pay there, but they offer to take the round. But no one has canceled the deadlines for the investigation of criminal matters, so the inlet investigators are usually not taken. One of the employees brought a report on dismissal, the report did not sign the report, then he brought another - to give him 80 orders to work at night. Only then was fired him, because to give a person so much orders and pay him a salary no one wanted. It was cheaper to dismiss.

"The maximum amount of the award, which we know - 600 rubles"

As for the information on salaries in other departments, for example, in the same riot, then, according to Igor, BYPOL has no data about some fabulous salaries that have long been rumored. Although the connection with the initiative is quite extensive.

- The maximum amount of the award for overclocking the protests, which we know - 600 rubles. As for rumors about the Omonman's wife, which received 5,000 rubles of alimony, is an unreal amount. See: If, for example, alimony is 25% of the salary, the conventional rulphist should have received 20 thousand rubles. There are no such fabulous money in power structures. NIGHT. The same Minsk Omon was bred by salary of monetary content. If he has a salary of 600 rubles, then it is 600 rubles and received.

BYPOL provided 20 settlement leaves of the Ozero-Other criminal investigation of the Minsk RUVD. They are dated in different months (from June to October) and for different posts. In general, the salary of the operational criminal search, as seen from the calculations, at this time ranged from 1200 to about 1900 rubles. We looked at how the premiums of these employees changed.

June. The head of the department, the police lieutenant colonel received about 290 rubles of the current award, the police major - about 200-250 rubles, in July, in July, the senior lieutenant had 319 rubles of the current premium and 100 rubles quarterly.

July. Senior Lieutenant received 319 rubles of the current premium and 100 rubles quarterly.

August. Lieutenant Colonel of the police, Senior Opera Compact on particularly important cases received 429 rubles of the current premium, Major - 273 rubles.

September. Lieutenant Colonel, the head of the department for particularly important cases earned a premium in 190 rubles, deputy chief, also lieutenant colonel - 280 rubles. 273-283 rubles came out at Major, the captain paid 330, and the senior lieutenant - 345.

October. In October, the police lieutenant colonel received 429 rubles of the current premium and 190 quarterly. Another lieutenant colonel - 290 rubles in current and 500 quarterly. Major - 418 rubles of the current award and 218 quarterly, lieutenant - 308 current and 213 quarterly.

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