Lifehaki for pregnant women: experience of a large mother


I would love to tell about how I experienced three pregnancies without stretch marks and excess weight, but no - it was not fully avoided.

Pregnancy without preparation and with her

Moreover, surprisingly, the third pregnancy was the most trouble-free. That's whoever did not cause any damage to maternal appearance, so it's younger daughter. But by the time I myself have already developed a number of useful habits, thanks to which it was able to endure and give birth to almost without consequences.

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With the first child, I was not interested in anything like that, I was lying all the time, I did not walk, I did not do sports. The memory remained extra kilograms, worked with stretching belly and hard belief - to pregnancy and childbirth, a woman is obliged to prepare.

Be pregnant is fine, but not always easy. For three pregnancies I had so much experience that I would really like to share. Of course, there are no ideal advice, how to protect every woman from nausea or stretch marks, because we are all individual, but I hope some of my advice and tricks for pregnant women will be very useful. The main thing to remember this formula:

  • food,
  • mobility,
  • massage.

Each woman has its own diet and a variant of exercise. But it is important that all this is accompanied by pregnancy.

Nausea and what to do with it

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Yes, there are happy people who do not know anything about the main problem of pregnancy - toxicosis. Unfortunately, I was not one of them. During the first trimester of each pregnancy, I was very sick, and on some days I was rushed several times per hour.

Two pregnancies from three I lived with my parents in a small town. There I received one advice from a friend: drink lemon-ginger tea. To do this, take a couple of lemon pieces and a couple of thin slices of ginger root, pour them with hot water, let it brew five minutes and add honey to taste. Thanks to this drink, I normally survived the first weeks of pregnancy. Lemon-ginger tea also helps perfectly from a cold during pregnancy, when it is impossible to take more serious drugs.

Snack helps with toxicosis

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It still helped to snack something immediately after waking up. Straight put on a bedside table near the bed several liver, crackers or banana. What I always liked, so it is oatmeal, clumsy in a jar for the night or just cooked with milk, fruit or raisins.

Frozen berries and grapes are perfectly suitable for intermediate snacks during the day, they contain vitamins, fructose and help from nausea. If you have to move a lot or work, despite the toxicosis, helps the smell of lemon slices (I always had a sliced ​​lemon in a zip-pack).

For me, there were still perfect snacks on the move bananas or salted pretzels. And it is always good to have several bags for garbage with you, especially in a car or public transport, in case nothing of the listed helped.

Simple clean water during pregnancy

Drinking the weather rate is important not only during pregnancy, but now the body really needs a lot of fluid, about 2-3 liters per day.

Every morning I poured myself a two-liter decline of water and tried to drink it during the day, preferably in his first half. Often we drink too few daytime days and try to cover the increased need for fluid in the evening, which is completely impractical in the first and third trimesters, because then you have to go to the toilet 10 times per night.

So that the water is not bored, you can cook a detox drink with fruits, herbs and berries, which is always very refreshing and perfectly quenched thirst. In the summer it is good to add several ice cubes well.

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In the cold season, frozen fruits or citrus fruits can be watered with hot water, it is always very tasty. Green and black tea should be avoided, because these drinks contain a lot of caffeine. They are better replaced by Fennel, Rosehip Fruits or Fruit Tea.

Another excellent drink for pregnant women is water with raisins. For this, 50 g of raisins boil into 500 ml of water and let it brew at least 10 minutes. Water with raisins contains many vitamins, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Many limit drink from fear before edema. It is better to abandon all other drinks, but several glasses of clean water leave the day. The well-being will improve significantly. It is in those pregnancy, when I controlled the water rate, it was possible to avoid echoes completely.

Stretch marks - what could be worse

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This is, of course, sarcasm. Stretch marks are not the worst thing that can happen. Over time, they can be smoothed at all to an almost imperceptible state. But for self-esteem it is better to try to avoid them.

Already in the second trimester, it should be started to care for its skin and choose suitable care products. And the whole pregnancy adhere to a comprehensive approach.

Power against stretch marks
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Balanced nutrition (fruits and vegetables, wholegrain, meat and fish) is very important. Food for two is not twice as much calories, but twice as much vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The child is usually provided with everything necessary, but our skin, hair and nails suffer, if something is missing in everyday eating.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is important to provide the body with vitamins, proteins and amino acids. I am not talking about diet for weight loss, there is no place during pregnancy! I also allow myself to eat some chocolate or ice cream. But the main part of the ration is useful products. A balanced approach to nutrition will also protect from unnecessary kilograms. But it is important - not afraid of fats. A pair of oil spoons in a salad will make the skin more elastic. Shower, yoga, massage
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The contrasting souls refreshes the skin and promotes the formation of new cells in the connective tissue, and not only during pregnancy. A nice bonus - alternation of hot and cool water also helps prevent cellulite and strengthen the immune system.

Yoga for women in an interesting position is also very useful for skin and general well-being. On the Internet you can find a lot of fine workouts for pregnant women.

And, of course, regular lightweight massage with high-quality oil helps to prevent stretch marks. For example, you can insist olive oil on chamomile flowers, strain and rub into the skin daily. The effect will be wonderful. At least the appearance of stretch marks and depends on genetics, but nutrition and care also play their role. I am very prone to this attack, however, thanks to the set of measures, the third pregnancy cost without a single crack.

Sport All nine months

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READ ALSO: Such different pregnancies: as I first lacked, and ran the second

Exercise during pregnancy helps to maintain the form and not typing too many kilograms. I tried to do yoga for pregnant women at least twice a week (on YouTube a lot of workouts). Every day I walked a lot (all the same is part of everyday life with children). If possible, he was engaged in swimming. In the third pregnancy, it was even possible to leave all the kilograms in the maternity hospital and get out with a premium weight.

If you do not want to do yoga or the weather does not allow for a walk, it is worth choosing any other version of the load. Let it be at least dancing 20 minutes a day. The effect will be noticeable. And after childbirth, it will be possible to recover faster.

I can compare pregnancy at 20 years without sports and proper nutrition with pregnancy at 34 with all listed - the difference is colossal. Several simple everyday actions will help make this period more enjoyable.

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