Unusual garden and garden plants obtained due to various vaccinations


    Good afternoon, my reader. Vaccination is a standard procedure, with which the varietal trees often determine (shrubs). However, not all dackets know that this method can be used to increase decorativeness, yields of some cultures or grow some unique plant.

    Unusual garden and garden plants obtained due to various vaccinations 3050_1
    Unusual garden and garden plants, obtained thanks to various gras of Maria Verbilkova

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    Vaccinations, thanks to which trees are obtained with different fruits, usually use when there is no possibility to plant a large fruit garden. The most suitable for winning in this case becomes young apple or quince.

    But to the pear, for example, it is advisable to vacuilate this culture, since other fruit plants are bad on it are coming up. By choosing a quince or apple tree as a flow, they are vaccinated by 3-5 cuttings of different varieties. A tree with apples of different color and shape looks unusual, and fruits can have different maturation time.

    For the stock, young trees are chosen not older than 2-3 years, and the one uses one-time shoots. Otherwise, the vaccination may not take care. An apple tree is very popular, which ripen pears. Despite the fact that it looks unusual, summer houses are easy to collect with such a tree of a harvest. After all, the crown of the apple tree is much lower, compact.

    Unusual garden and garden plants obtained due to various vaccinations 3050_2
    Unusual garden and garden plants, obtained thanks to various gras of Maria Verbilkova

    The only drawback: these trees are short-lived, they fruit no more than 8-10 years. For this reason, aging shoots are recommended to replace new. To do this, in the middle of spring or in summer, the pear is vaccinated by the method of copulating (in split) or kidney (in T-shaped section).

    Fantastic type of grafted trees fascinate the views of inexperienced people. However, the berry bushes of the strambose look even more unusual. To form a similar crown with ordinary trimming is impossible.

    Unusual garden and garden plants obtained due to various vaccinations 3050_3
    Unusual garden and garden plants, obtained thanks to various gras of Maria Verbilkova

    Such decorative can be achieved only by vaccinations. And since the yield after the "experiment" does not fall, and in some cases increases, then the vaccination procedure becomes more popular every year.

    To obtain a strambed bush of the gooseberry or white, red, black currant, the currant is used as a flow. The sapling of this culture can be purchased in the nursery or dig in the forest area. The cuttings are harvested from autumn and stored to early spring, to connect two plants to the improved copulating method.

    This vaccination method of convergence is most often used to improve the varietal characteristics of tomatoes, cucumbers and basic cultures. Although with the help of the ablating, you can get new varieties of young fruit shrubs or trees.

    The process of splicing closely growing plants is a pretty simple procedure, but it is very rare. On two adjacent cultures make oblique cuts on the trunks (shoots).

    The plants are then brought together so that the "tongues" in the place of vaccinations are compatible with each other. The location of the compound is winding with a special dressing material. When two different cultures grow together, the lead is separated from the uterine plant.

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