Up to 200 thousand rubles: Putin signed a new law on fines

Up to 200 thousand rubles: Putin signed a new law on fines 2757_1

In Russia, it will be tougally punished for violations in organizing and financing mass shares, as well as for disobedience to law enforcement officers. Such a law signed Russian President Vladimir Putin, reports Interfax.

The changes are made to Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (COAP), regulating fines for violating the order of the organization or conducting a mass agency. There were two additional parts - 9 and 10.

If a person engaged in the organization of mass actions and at the same time made financial disorders, he will be fined for 10-20 thousand rubles. If such an offense made an official, then the penalty will be 20-40 thousand rubles, if Jurlso is 70-200 thousand rubles.

What is meant by financial disorders?

For example, a person received money for a shares of anonymous sources: in December, the law was adopted, according to which such funds should be given to the state.

For the transfer of money to a massive action by a person who has no rights to it, a penalty is introduced in the amount of from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. Officials will collect from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, from Yurlitz - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

The law states that this is not only about monetary translations or cash, but also about the "other property".

Penalties for violation of safety requirements

Another change is made to Article 19.3 of the Administrative Code, which regulates administrative sanctions for disobedience to the requirements of power departments. Fines will be increased. This also applies to situations where citizens go on mass shares.

The person can plant for 15 days, and the penalty will be 2-4 thousand rubles instead of the previous 500-1000 rubles. In addition, the violator of the law, the court may appoint mandatory work for a period of 40 to 120 hours.

It is specified that we are talking about police officers and Rosgvardia. If citizens refused to fulfill the legal requirements of the FSB employee, then the fine will be up to 4 thousand rubles for the individuality and up to 70 thousand rubles for Jurlitz. If a person has not obeyed the employee of state bors, he will have to pay up to 4 thousand rubles to the treasury. If a legal entity is noticed in such an offense, the penalty will be up to 40 thousand rubles.

Even more will pay those who violated the law not the first time. So, re-failure of the requirements of police officers, FSB employees or state boots, if it was committed during the mass event, will now be punished with a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles instead of the previous 5 thousand rubles. At the same time, fines for legal entities on this article are planned to raise up to 70-200 thousand rubles (now - 50-100 thousand rubles). As a sanction, an arrest is also preserved for a period of up to 30 days, and the ability to assign mandatory work for a period of 100 to 200 hours is added.

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