Gray schemes. Russian customs blocks the delivery of colors from Belarus


Around March 8 - a holiday that brings flower shops the greatest profit in the year, colors arose in Russia. All because of the fact that in February, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation began large-scale Veshs for trucks with flowers, which are imported to Russia from Belarus, Tut.BY.

Gray schemes. Russian customs blocks the delivery of colors from Belarus 2703_1
Photo: John-Mark Smith,

One of the first alarms scored the founder of the Network "Flower Row" Ivan Disc. A week ago, he published a video message in his Instagram:

"The machine, loaded with floral products, with a full package of documents is riding to the border of Belarus with Russia to obtain acts of phytosanitary control. There it takes and put on the inspection, is lucky in Smolensk or Moscow region. After passing the car inspection, the owners are not given. And this practice can be traced from February 4. If such a situation continues further, on March 8, the flowers will be gold. And instead of spending from 700 to 1000 rubles, the Russian men will be forced to spend 1500, and even 2000 rubles. "

According to RBC, the President of the Flower Retail Association Artem Nikishin said, almost from each participant in the Association comes information about flower products delays. "Machines are observed in Smolensk and Moscow region, where they are held in temporary warehouses without explaining the reasons. Without compliance with the temperature regime, inspected for a long time and is not clear why. As far as we know, all the documents were in order, the acts of sanitary and epidemic control are also available, "he noted.

The Director General of Maori Russa, Anna Melnichuk, reported that at the border with Belarus now costs about 50-60 cars, each of which is 10-12 tons of colors.

According to estimates of the Flower Retail Association, the overwhelming number of colors are imported through Belarus, the share of Belarusian imports in the Russian market comes to 60-80%. The remaining deliveries go through other European countries.

Deliveries from Belarus turned out to be practically completely blocked during the highest demand for flowers, market players declare. "The deficit is already there, the flower products are not enough. The rise in price will be two or three times exactly. If the situation is not permitted by March 8, the flowers will be on gold weight on this day, "predicts Nicholas.

The main supplier of cut colors to the Russian market, Belarus has become after the ban on the import of flowers from the Netherlands introduced in the second half of 2015. According to BUSINESSTAT estimates, during 2015-2019, the importation of flowers from this country increased 123 times and reached 938.8 million pieces. A significant part of the products supplied from Belarus is a re-export, under the guise of Belarusian products, products from other countries are imported, experts say. According to Businesestat, sales of cut colors in Russia in 2020 amounted to 1.58 billion pcs, which is 9.9% lower than a year earlier.

Russian Customs in response to the Business FM request confirmed that it leads to a check, which is associated with the suppression of gray flower supply schemes in Russia. About these schemes did not write the "Project" edition. According to him, with the import of flowers from Belarus, their value is underestimated, and as a result, tax savings give up to 10 thousand dollars from the truck. How much Belarus earns on this is definitely unknown, but Belarusian media evaluated this business of $ 300 million. At the same time, Russian flowers complained that non-competitive conditions are created because of the Belarusian dumping. Tut.BY.

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