Moscow authorities "sentenced" four industries to demolition and redevelopment


The city planning commission of Moscow endorsed the projects of the integrated development of the former Promon: "Avtomotnaya", "Kuryanovo", as well as the plots promsion "Kashirskoye Highway" and "South Ochakovo".

The plot in the industrial zone "automotive" area of ​​77 hectares is planned to build a housing. There will also appear objects for recreation, sports and new production. In other industrial zones, they want to build objects of public and industrial purposes with a total area of ​​more than a million square meters. The implementation of projects will give the city about 37 thousand jobs and will require 240 billion rubles of investments.

According to Ilya Vitkovsky, director of analytics and evaluation of the group "Airplane", all these industries are located in Moscow, in locations with good transport accessibility and the prospects for its development in the near future.

"For example, the Biryulysky metro branch will be held in Kuryanovo. In addition, these sites are located in good directions: the automotive - in the north, South Ochakovo - in the south-west. Based on this, we consider all sections as promising for development. The location of the sites suggests that there are everywhere where comfort class housing can be built. The starting prices in Moscow are now starting from 180-200 thousand per square meter. According to our assessment, since the "automotive" and "South Ochakovo" are located a little better from the point of view of the prestigious direction, there at the start of sales (if this happened at the moment) prices can begin from 200 thousand rubles per square meter. The meter, "Kashirskoye" highway and "Kuryanovo" are not so interesting, so there prices may be from 180 thousand rubles per square meter. meters. In addition to location, prices may depend on the consumer characteristics of projects, but they will definitely not be lower below, "comments Ilya Vitkovsky.

According to the expert, housing prices will also depend on whether these sites will be divided between how many developers and, therefore, which volume of housing will be on sale.

"According to our assessment, if one developer will be found on the site, the construction pace can range from 50 thousand square meters. meters per year, if the site will be divided between 2-3 companies, the volume of construction can increase to 100 thousand square meters. meters, "said the analyst.

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Moscow authorities
Moscow authorities "sentenced" four industries to demolition and redevelopment

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