8 incredible films about the beauty and fragility of wildlife and the future of the planet

8 incredible films about the beauty and fragility of wildlife and the future of the planet 24589_1
8 incredible films about the beauty and fragility of wildlife and the future of the planet Dmitry Eskin

These 8 paintings will be forced to flush not only from the beauty of landscapes, but also from horror. Human cruelty, short-sightedness and nonsense is amazed at no less than the magnificence of wildlife and the dedication of activists. Time Out offers to think about the future of the planet and start from viewing any of these stunning documentaries.


National Park in Congo - a unique place: mountain gorillas live there, almost universally exterminated by man. And while wars, the Rangers group, risking his own life, protect the park, and its inhabitants. To protect there from whom: The British oil company has discovered oil in virung, and is now actively engaged in the escalation of the conflict between the authorities and the rebel armies. The film Orlando von Ainsidel received many premiums and convincingly proves that sometimes evolution still has an excuse. This, for example, those 120 Virung staff who have died since 1994, saving animals from their fellows.

"The history of life"

The pretty and fascinating TV series BBC, in which David Attenboro accompanies various moments in the life of the young chimpanzees, or fish, or chicks. Six episodes, in each - a lot of unique events, plus the "Naturalist Diary", where it is described about what difficulties the gentle shooting was conjugated.

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"A life"

And this is already the project of the Attenboro, the Great and Tireless Naturalist and the Poet of Wildlife. In 1979, he removed the first film "Life on Earth", which told about evolution - today it is a huge cycle of serials about the appearance, development and features of the flora and fauna of our planet. A total of Sir David, within the framework of this project, released 86 episodes.

"Birds - the wandering people"

The French film, which under the authorship of the authorship of Nick Calee talks about migratory birds.

Most of the documentarist Jacques Prennia with his team at 450 people took off right in the air, and the moment when he succeeded, the director then called one of the most important and happiest in life.

The picture was nominated for Oscar in 2003, but in one short list, Bowling for Columbina was stood with her.

"Birds 2: Journey to the edge of light"

Luke Jac was lucky more: In 2005, his documentary film about the life of the Imperial Penguins won the main award of the American Film Academy. In the original, the picture is called the "march of emperors", since the creators follow the heels of Antarctica birds, which to continue the genus should make a dangerous journey to the mainland.

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A surprisingly beautiful film of Viktor Kosakovsky about the power of water. Slogan "This is its world, and we only live in it" entirely and completely responds completely in the shower after watching: The director shows the icy Speakers of Baikal, the Angel Waterfall and the Falling Atlantic Ocean - every time the water looks alive, and it is so a great sight that a person has so much Feels insignificant comparison with the elements.


Oscarmaster of 2010, the "bay" tells about the hunt for dolphins in Japan. Partially business is illegal, but this is not much worried about: every year more than 20 thousand fish die in the Bay of Tyji, which a person is ready to consider their relatives more than monkeys. The film is monstrous on the impact: the question about what the murder of the dolphin is different from the murder of the cow in Europe, in combination with the final frames, anyone can make a vegetarian. It is not surprising that out of 27 awards, which was nominated by the Bay, she did not receive only five.

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"2040: Future is waiting"

Australian Damon Gamo in 2014 removed the film "Sugar", which exposed the giants of the food industry, selling under the brand of healthy nutrition a very unhealthy life. After 6 years, he reflects on the life of a truly healthy - in harmony with nature and the laws of the planet. Is it possible? To find out what the future of his little daughter should be in 20 years, Gamo goes on a journey around the world, looking for technologists that can make the world better.

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