Restaurant "Jäger Meet to Eat" - a new delicious place on the Moscow Prospect


The legendary network of Restopabs Jäger, opened a new project "Jäger Meet to Eat" in March with an extended concept on the Moscow Prospect 171. "Jäger Meet to Eat" will present the guests of the long-faced hits of the conbounds and the menu of meat dishes prepared on open fire and other new products from the concept Project chief.

The interior of the restaurant is made in the style of Loft using natural wood, concrete, metal and glass, which, in combination with upholstered furniture and massive chandeliers, create a modern and at the same time a comfortable atmosphere. In the restaurant space there is a contact bar and a large children's room. In May, the summer terrace is planned. With confidence you can say, "Jäger Meet to Eat" - will become a new delicious and cozy place to relax, for those who live nearby.


In the bar map there are more than 40 names of wine and 100 beer varieties, to store the restaurant in the restaurant, set to all the requirements for proper storage of drinks, and a cocktail card and a strong alcohol map will also please the restaurant guests with a wide choice.


The menu contains gastronomic novelties from the project's concept chef and long-faced hits in combination with an extensive assortment of meat dishes that are prepared on an open fire.


In the new restaurant, every day there is a democratic breakfast menu from 9:00 to 13:00. Prices dishes vary from 210 to 590 rubles, and the cost of dishes is already included in the choice of one of the drinks: sparkling, tea in assortment or coffee to choose from.

Quotes from a special breakfast menu
  • Benedict eggs with salmon and guacamole Eggs 510 p
  • Pancakes with Cream Strawberry Sauce 290 R
  • Hot Sandwich with Rost Beff and Vegetables 490 R
  • Oatmeal with mango and blueberry 210 p
  • Omelet with sausages and tomatoes 320 p
  • Scramble with tomatoes and fried toast 310 p
  • Homemade cheesecakes with caramel and sour cream 350 r
  • Scrambled eggs in toast bread with bacon and salad 420 p

In April, Big Family Resto Group will open another restaurant of the new concept "Jäger Meet to Eat", now on Bolshevik Avenue, 8. The restaurant will be designed for 100 seats with a scene for live music and show programs. For a comfortable stay with children in the restaurant, a large children's room is organized.


The opening of Jäger Meet to Eat on the Bolsheviks is scheduled for April 15.

"Jäger Meet to Eat"

St. Petersburg, Moscow Ave., 171

T. +7 (812) 611-11-10, +7 (812) 955-54-50

Sun-Thu 09:00 - 01:00 PT-Sat 09:00 - 02:30

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