What is for shame? Huawei told what Harmony OS is different from Android and iOS


Despite the fact that Huawei gathered to translate all his smartphones with Android on Harmony OS, no one still had waited for a statement about the intention to make Google's competition in the mobile platform market. On the contrary, it makes a complete impression that the Chinese are diligently avoid. Perhaps because they still hope for restoring relations, and perhaps because something hide. For example, the fact that Harmony OS is actually converted android. After all, this statement so far no one has been denied. But the Huawei could not leave him completely without attention.

What is for shame? Huawei told what Harmony OS is different from Android and iOS 24085_1
Huawei talked about the differences of Harmony OS from Android. It turned out so-you

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At the beginning of the week, Van Changlu, the head of the software development department in Huawei, said that Harmony OS is not a copy of the Android, nor iOS. But since this practically did not convince anyone, the top manager decided to continue to develop this topic and made a comparative table of three operating systems, where their features are compared.

Differences Harmony OS from iOS and Android

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The only drawback of Harmony OS, according to Huawei, is her novelty

Harmony Os.

  • Supported Devices: Smartphones, Tablets, Computers, Internet Devices, Televisions, Cars, Household Appliances
  • Growth prospects: Internet of things have enormous growth potential
  • Disadvantages: New operating system
  • Advantages: Open source code, speed, ecosystem
  • Applications: Unified Development, Adapting to many devices


  • Supported devices: Mobile devices only
  • Growth Prospects: Limited
  • Advantages: Open source code
  • Disadvantages: fragmentation, intermittentness

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  • Supported devices: Only smartphones
  • Growth Prospects: Limited
  • Advantages: smoothness
  • Disadvantages: closeness
  • Applications: Adaptation individually

What you need to know about Harmony OS

What is for shame? Huawei told what Harmony OS is different from Android and iOS 24085_3
Harmony OS is more versatile than Android and iOS. So at least considers Huawei

Honestly, Huawei chose a rather strange comparison criteria, not to mention the fact that he tried to smooth out the drawbacks of Harmony OS. I agree, tasty your own product is stupid, but in the form in which the Chinese filed the characteristics of the company operating system, they look extremely naive.

After all, the lack of applications is just a small part of the Harmony OS problem. In addition to the fact that the developers from the United States are not yet burning to publish their software in Appgallery, it is obvious that the Huawei operating system does not shine support for any of the services used in the world for contactless payment. At best, users will be able to count on, is Huawei Pay, whose problems we have already told, or MIR Pay, which will clearly be even more limited in their capabilities than Sberpay.

Huawei told how Harmony OS will change to release

But it is okay. Much more interesting to the answer to the question, what does iOS come here? In the end, no one blames Huawei that it uses the Apple operating system as a basis for Harmony OS. Therefore, its mention here is obviously unnecessary. So for sure the most of those who familiarize themselves with the following theses will think.

But, as I have already said, clearly clear that every word in public statements by Huawei leadership is carefully recovered and carrying significant promises. Just the Chinese in this way trying to shift our attention to the side so that no one occurs to think that they did not answer the question of the origin of Harmony OS. They answered him, just not as we were waiting, but they gave it to understand that they did not intend to justify. Loose.

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