The main thing about the proper trimming of strawberries


Good afternoon, my reader. Leaf removal is an important step in the process of strawberry care. But in order not to harm the plant, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of trimming.

The main thing about the proper trimming of strawberries 24011_1
The main thing about the proper trimming of strawberries

Strawberry Pruning (Photo Used by Standard License ©

As a rule, pruning has the following goals:

  1. Rejuvenation of bushes to increase their yield next season.
  2. Cleansing from old, dried or damaged leaves to give young leaflets more space for growth.
  3. Prevention of diseases and pest control, which accumulate on dead leaves and can hit all the plant.
  1. Spring

After a long winter, part of the greenery turns out to be damaged. All rotten, sluggish and unhealthy leaves must be deleted in a timely manner to avoid the spread of diseases, pests and give young rapid shoots more space and air for development. At the same time, removing damaged leaves should be very careful, because during trimming you can easily damage future flowers and break young stalks.

  1. In autumn

Oddly enough, autumn trimming can harm the bushes than bring them to. This is due to the fact that plants remain unprotected during the long frosty winter. However, if you still decided to clear the strawberries from unhealthy leaves, the trimming should be carried out as early as possible, before the onset of frosts, getting rid of dried residues and without affecting the core. Then it is recommended to cover the bed of straw or cheese, which will protect the strawberry from frosts.

  1. After fruiting

It is necessary to carry out a trimming after a while after harvesting, because for the remaining time before the arrival of the cooling in plants will be able to increase the strong foliage and accumulate enough nutrients.

Tools that you need to work:

  • secator
  • Bag or bucket for collecting cropped leaves.
  • chipper for soil looser,
  • Melting material
  • Hand protection gloves.

In the process of trimming, it is necessary to carefully inspect the bushes, carefully cutting damaged leaves, brutged with flowers and cleaning vegetable residues from the bushes.

The main thing about the proper trimming of strawberries 24011_2
The main thing about the proper trimming of strawberries

Strawberry Care (Photo Used by Standard License ©

After completing the cropping space between the bushes and around them, it is necessary to brag, and plants are pouring. For disinfection and the prevention of strawberries, fertilizers can also be made and scatter ash in bed.

Most strawberry varieties give new mustache throughout the season. Do you need to completely cut or not, it depends on whether you need new young plants.

If you are not going to increase strawberry plantations and there is no need to update the already formed bushes, the removal of the mustache is performed regularly, each time you are staring and loosening the beds.

The removable strawberry does not need complete trimming, and the removal of dead and damaged leaves is performed regularly as needed. However, the late decoons that appeared during the fall must be cut, as they will no longer give berries, but will take a significant part of the nutrients in the plant.

Strawberry trimming has a number of nuances. Observing all the rules, you can increase the harvest in the near season. But the care of strawberries does not boil exclusively to pruning. Take care of the bushes you should constantly and to the coldests.

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