The UN mentioned citizens of Kazakhstan among those who are subjected to torture in the camps in Syria


The UN mentioned citizens of Kazakhstan among those who are subjected to torture in the camps in Syria

The UN mentioned citizens of Kazakhstan among those who are subjected to torture in the camps in Syria

Almaty. February 9th. KazTAG - among foreigners in Syrian camps, which are contained in inhuman conditions, are also citizens of Kazakhstan, the press service of the United Nations (UN) reports.

"Immediately return to the homeland of the inhabitants of the Al-Hol and Rodge camps in Syria. With such a call for more than 20 UN experts on human rights appealed to the governments of 57 states, whose citizens are contained in these camps in hazardous and inhuman conditions. The overwhelming majority make up women and children. Independent experts recalled that 64 thousand people from 57 countries are in camps for displaced persons in the north-east of Syria, including Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Estonia, "the report says on Tuesday .

As noted in the UN, the inhabitants of the camps are people who are presumably involved in terrorist groups, including ISIL (prohibited in Kazakhstan). Al-Hol is the largest refugee camp in Syria, 80% of which are children and women. Moreover, half of children are under five years old.

"Thousands of people contained in these camps are subject to violence, operation, cruelty and feel deprivation, and the conditions in which they are, and the attitude towards them may well be equivalent to torture or other types of cruel inhuman or humiliating or punishment as they Defined in international law, "the UN human rights defenders state say.

According to them, some number of people have already died due to the conditions of their content.

The UN has long been alarming for a long time due to unacceptable conditions in the camps and have repeatedly called for countries to repatriate their citizens. However, these appeals responded not so many countries, and this year, reports of the situation in the camps come from Syria from Syria: from January 1 to January 16, 12 Syrians and Iraqis who lived in the Al-Hol camp were killed.

"Violence against the residents of the camp not only turns into the death of people, it undermines the opportunity to provide humanitarian assistance to people who need sharply in it. The UN and its partners provide them with emergency and primary medical care, provide water, food, hygiene and sanitation items, give them a roof over their heads and provide protection, "added to the organization.

But in today's statement, UN human rights defenders remind themselves that states, including women and children, especially in situations, are primarily responsible for the protection of their citizens, when they turn out to be outside their country and where they are high, the likelihood of serious violations of their rights.

"At the same time, the repatriation process should be carried out in accordance with international law," UN human rights defenders insist.

They also called for States to refrain from any steps that can lead to violations of the rights of repatriates on their return to their homeland. According to international human rights defenders, the authorities are obliged to actively contribute to the reintegration of these people into society and provide them with the necessary social, psychological and educational support.

The UN is also concerned about the data collection camps conducted in July.

"Children and women gathered personal information in conditions when they could hardly give consent, despite the fact that it was also not clear who would have access to this data and how they can be used," the organization noted .

Experts are seriously alarmed by the fact that during this "survey", the purpose of which was an assessment of security threats, procedural guarantees were not observed, and its object was exclusively families, including women and children who were allegedly connected with ISIL militants, and because of this already Discrimination, marginalization and attacks are subjected.

"In the light of such a large number of countries related to this problem and unacceptable conditions for the detention of displaced persons, experts are considered, urgent, collective and long-term steps to protect people who have found themselves in such a difficult situation.

Among the signatories are special rapporteurs and members of working groups on various aspects of human rights. They are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, but they are all independent experts and do not receive a salary for their work in the UN, "it is reported.

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