The authorities of Russia "succeeded in turning the annoying confusion in the international hero"


The authorities of Russia
The Wall Street Journal

"The Russian authorities have made every effort to prevent the return of the return of Navalny to the mediation, redirecting the aircraft to Sheremetyevo. Dozens of security services, many in protective equipment, flooded [Vnukovo Airport] and did not let his supporters in the arrival zone.

Close attention that authorities are given in bulk, reflects its importance for the opposition movement in Russia. This is a very dangerous role. Some other oppositionists were beaten, imprisoned or poisoned. "


"Navalny knew that he was waiting for [on return], because he knows how the dissidents knew in Soviet times that the only thing that the corrupt and authoritarian regime would not tolerate is true," says the editorial article "Incredible Courage Alexey Navalny. After poisoning, almost worth his life, the chief Russian dissident returns to Berloga to the Bear. " It's funny that his Sunday flight was redirected to another airport, NYT notes, - just like a flight that he flew from Tomsk was redirected to Omsk. But only if in August, this was done by a pilot who saved a bulk life, then in January - "Russian authorities, who walked around his crowds."

If FSB employees wanted to poison Navalny, "they would have brought to the end," said Vladimir Putin earlier. "Not brought and instead succeeded in turning annoying confusion in the international hero," NYT writes. - If Putin decides to plant the navalny, then will get the famous political prisoner. If he leaves free, then the weakness will show the eyes of his subordinates and supporters and will be subject to constant attacks from the head of the bulk opposition. An option that Putin will consider with the smallest probability - openly and honestly oppose Navalny during the elections, for example, during the parliamentary elections in September. "

Financial Times

The news article about the detention of Navalny in the first half of Moscow time was the first to read on the FT website. "Attempting to murder and detention on Sunday occurred against the background of what he and his team are preparing for the parliamentary elections in September, despite the fact that Putin's ruling party support is at a record low," it is noted in the article.

Le Monde.

Three European laboratories came to the conclusion that the "worst enemy of Vladimir Putin" was poisoned by a neuro-paralytic substance of the newcomer type, developed in Soviet times for military purposes. This conclusion was confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), despite the refutations of Moscow, reminds LE MONDE. An article about Navalny - the second by readability on the French newspaper website.


"The arrest of the most prominent opponent of the Russian president marks the most stringent action of Putin [against opposition] in recent years. This happened a few days before the president of the US President Joe Bayiden and may immediately provoke a collision with the new administration of Democrats. "

Deutsche Welle

"To get to your chair [on an airplane] under the 13th number - which Navalny immediately called" happy "- politics was not easy. About 10 minutes it took him to literally break through the crowd of the journalists around him, "the German edition writes in the publication of the Victory flight of Navalny and detention in Moscow. Report DW from a flight, followed by the whole world. "

"After the pilot announced that the flight would be redirected to Sheremetyevo for technical reasons, applause and ululyukne rang out in the cabin, DW reported in the cabin. - Passengers expressed confidence that "there are no such coincidences."

The Guardian.

The Kremlin has already tried a lot with Navalny - it was not once judged, kept under house arrest, they took a brother hostage, sentencing to three and a half years of imprisonment. Finally, "it seems that it was decided to eliminate it." But when Navalny survived after poisoning and returned to Russia, Putin was before the choice - "What to do with one of my most brave and effective critics."

So far, the authorities were not solved to make one thing - to give a navalal long prison term, such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky, but now they can change the strategy, writes The Guardian in the article "The Kremlin may try to sharpen Navalny for the years." "The answer to the question of what will be with Navalny, now depends on the fact that, according to Russian officials, some of which the opposition leader put in an uncomfortable position with their investigations, will come down with their hands and will not cause public protest," the article says.

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