Pebbles, granite or whole yacht club? How to understand the nuclearies, which beauty is waiting for from them Balakovtsy

Pebbles, granite or whole yacht club? How to understand the nuclearies, which beauty is waiting for from them Balakovtsy 23284_1

I never even thought about this side, but if you imagine a distant future, in thousands of years our chiller pond (if more precisely, the reservoir of the Balakovo NPP) will be salty like in any seas.

The principle of salinization is identical - a berezovka river falls into the cooler that feeds it with fresh water, which cools and condenses steam, rotating the turbine of all four power units. But evaporates from the reservoir exclusively H₂O, and the salts are not some terrible technical, but ordinary river salts - accumulate here as in the most seas. That is, the hydrochemical mechanism is the most common thing that neither is natural.

Say, what is all this? Yes to the fact that the discussions at the round table of the Press Club "Pure Energy", which for many years has been operating at the information center of the Balakovo NPP, can bring their participants for any height, depth and verge of thematic horizons that are interested in journalists of Saratov and Balakovo Media, and therefore their readers.

In itself, the current meeting of the club is a long-awaited sign: a pandemic, let's hope, weakens in front of our eyes, and journalists missed people to communicate with each other and the chief speaker of the club - Head of Inform CENTER Dmitry Shevchenko:

"I, of course, exaggerate a little, but surely there will be, for example, in Saratov, some inquisitive citizen who wakes up every morning with the thought:" How is the Balakovo NPP, didn't it happen? ". So, citizens want to have reliable information, we possess it, and the gear ratio is you, journalists.

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Actual topics for "pure energy" do not consider. If today's most modern atomic blocks with Nuclear VVER-1200 series nuclear reactors, identical on the technology of manufacturing by Balakovo reactors, "million painters" of VVER-1000, a priori is issued with a 60-year service life, then why our were calculated only for 30 years, albeit with Extension of life for another 30 years? Yes, because at the beginning of the path associated with the use of water-water energy reactors (from here the abbreviation "VVER"), there was no sufficient operational experience of assessing the impact on the metal of permanent ionizing radiation. And now such an experience has appeared together with confidence and guarantee of safe operation for many years ahead. We still need to understand that in each power unit equipment for the year after year is updated almost completely - many billions of rubles are spent - but the "heart" of the power unit, the reactor itself remains unchanged. By the way, the youngest - 4th power unit of the Balakovo NPP approached the procedure for extending the service life. For the autumn of the current year, public hearings on this issue are, an extremely important and most open public event. That is, in direct contact with the population, the Balakovo NPP, and the Rosenergoatom Concern.

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By the way, it is remembered, on the outcome of the Pandemic last year, from the regional stands suddenly it was said about the prospect of continuing the construction of the Balakovo NPP. And silence. The atomicers themselves relate to such information calmly. The unfinished and canned 5th and 6th blocks of the nuclear power plant are worth it, which is called, for seven winds, for more than a dozen years. And in the operating "road map" Rosatom, the completion of these blocks is not provided. Assessment of the state of their building structures is comparable with the construction of new blocks. In addition, the economic realities are such that the nuclear power plant sometimes works in the conditions of dispatching restrictions on the nationwide power system, issuing energy less than may.

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Here you need to understand the following. The overall generation of power plants of the region (mainly one of the largest Balakovo power houses in Europe) is 40 billion kWh per year. At the same time, only 10 billion - exactly a quarter - the Saratov region consumes itself. The rest comes to the common energy market of the country. And if, let's say, the Sberbank data processing center will come to us - the goal of generation increases will be solved in fact: in this world, everything and the balakovtsy may never let the country.

The main task of the atomic workers was always safe and efficient energy generation. However, their parks are so much like the inhabitants and guests of Balakov that the conversations about it are probably always the most burning. And if the arrangement of the Park "Energetik" comes up to its logical peak (if, of course, not accustomed to respect the work for the benefit of the city of Vandals will finally hurt), then his landscape companion - "Summer Park" - just declared himself.

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- It is necessary to understand that he will play with all the colors only when the view of the waters of the shipping channel opens. Here it is possible to hide about the options - a pebble pier and even the yacht club or the embankment in a granite, or a sandy beach. It's time to decide what Balakovtsians want most of all. And the assistance of journalists in carrying out such a "measurement" of social preferences is very important for us.

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To these words, Dmitry Shevchenko is worth adding: the main thing is that the semi-finished product from clay and tina type, alas, the beach in the 7th microdistrict was not born as a result of more than booming forces of the atomic.

And also the Balakovo NPP, being the main brand of the city, can turn into a kind of tourist Mecca. He himself drove the visits of acquaintances closer to the station - just to lay onto its working power units, because it is incomparable with nothing with emotions. A visit to the station information center with its layouts and visual exhibits is all in the same piggy bank of impressions from the calm power of the Volga peaceful atom. After all, after all, two large travel agencies of the region went to the nuclear power plants with a proposal to include a station in tours to visit with passengers of cruise boats. It was before a pandemic mixed card in many cases. But the nuclear makers are accustomed to being in advance in everything, and "no one will not surprise anyone with the exhibitions now." Therefore, in the inform center, there is a slow painstaking repairs, after which something particularly attractive will appear - the historical Museum of Labor Glory of the Balakovo NPP and Modern Delivery Exposition in the same familiar walls in the 7th microdistrict. Waiting for the opening of the "first stage" - the museum itself - left for several months. What, you see, carrying trifles for plans for such scales.

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