Moscow Detains compared Crashing services - by the number of travel and users lead "Yandex.Deriv" ​​and "Delimobil"


Some services do not agree with the calculations of Detains.

Moscow Department of Transport amounted to Crashing operators rating. The City Hall compared Yandex.Deriv, Belkacar, Youdrive, Delimobil, Rentmee and BuMerang through the accessibility of travel, the number of users, the size of the fleet and other indicators.

Yandex.Deriv ranked first in the rating of carcharing operators for most indicators - for example, the number of permits and users, the size of the fleet and the number of travel.

Moscow Detains compared Crashing services - by the number of travel and users lead
Moscow Detains compared Crashing services - by the number of travel and users lead

The number of active users of Yandex.Deriva, according to Detains, today exceeds 1 million on this indicator, the leaders also become "Delimobile" (800 thousand), Belkacar (200 thousand active users), YouDrive (100 thousand).

The average cost of the daily tariff "Yandex.Daiva" is 2119 rubles. The lowest indicator was recorded by YouDrive - 1099 rubles, and the most expensive tariff at Delimobil - 2919 rubles.

The age of Drivers Yandex.Deriva and Belkacar is 21 years old, and YouDrive and Delimobil - 20 and 19 years, respectively.

Moscow Detains compared Crashing services - by the number of travel and users lead
Moscow Detains compared Crashing services - by the number of travel and users lead

At the time of writing, the notes in Dttranse did not answer questions about which data were used for research and for what period. In the message they noted that "From time to time, indicators can change", so the rating will be updated once a quarter.

Belkacar stated VC.RU, which disagree with DEPTRAN data. "There are many questions about the rating. Part of the market information as a whole and separately by companies, obviously contains errors, "they say in the press service of the service.

In particular, Belkacar has questions to count the number of users. "The ranking contains diverse numbers: for Belkacar under the" Active Audience "parameter, data on the average number of users per 1 month are given, for competitors, it seems - the entire active base," they say in CARCHERING.

Service representatives also added that:

  • The number of existing permits and the number of cars in the park of any operator are not equal.
  • Dynamic tariffs are now in all major carcharinge players, and not just Yandex. "You need to specify the price or for all, or not to specify at all. In the rating, one approach is chosen for one player, and the rest is different, "they say in Belkacar.
  • Each day, our users make 21.6 thousand trips (instead of 18.4 at DPTRANS), on average, the car accounts for 5.4 leases (DPTRANS - 4.5).

In Drive, they stated that they consider their own research data to be correct: according to the study, on average, the service machine performs 8-9 trips per day (at Detains - six), over the past six months, the average number of travels per day was 80 thousand on weekdays and 87 thousand on weekends. In YouDrive and Delimobil, they did not answer, whether they agree with the results of the study.

According to DEPTRANS, in six years of the work of the metropolitan carcharging Muscovites made more than 130 million trips, and the number of active users reached more than 1 million. The fleet of operators now has more than 25 thousand cars. Daily residents of Moscow take about 125 thousand trips.

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