How to rinse the nose at home


Nasal washing is a procedure that can be carried out independently to carefully clean the nasal passages using a special solution, removing mucus, pollution and stimuli. It can be useful for people who have encountered allergies or colds. The main thing is to do everything correctly, because errors can lead to injuries and infections.

"Take and do" offers to familiarize yourself with the simple instruction and recommendations of doctors, before you decide to wash your nose at home. ❗ Despite the fact that the washing of the nose is not therapeutic, but hygienic procedure, before it must be consulted with the doctor.

Prepare the solution

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Method number 1: Pour in a saucepan of 500 ml of water from under the tap, bring to a boil and leave on medium heat for another 15 minutes, then let it cool to room temperature. Add 1 tsp. Sea salts and a pinch of food soda (optional). Mix well so that salt dissolved in water. The finished solution can be pouring into hermetic container and stored in the refrigerator no more than 24 hours.

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Method number 2: Pour 500 ml of drinking water into the container, add 1 tsp. Sea salt and warm up in a microwave oven for 1-2 minutes. Let cool. Pour the finished solution into a clean glass jar with a sealed lid and store no more than a day in the refrigerator.

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Method No. 3: In 500 ml of distilled water, stir 1 tsp. Sea salt. A finished solution in a hermetic capacity can be stored within a month in the refrigerator. Important: Use water from under the tap, ordinary drinking or boiled water in this case can not be. Alternative can only be a ready-made saline solution (sodium chloride solution), which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Choose a convenient tool

In eastern countries, a special vessel is often used for washing the nose, or non-sweat. In pharmacies, it is possible to purchase it a more modern version of plastic - a special device for washing the nose (sometimes it is called a duck for the nose).

Prepare for Procedure

  • Heat the solution to room temperature. Disinfect the tool for washing the nose.
  • Clean your nose: Examine, if necessary, use cotton wands.
  • The procedure is more convenient to carry out over the sink.

How to wash the nose

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  • Well wash your hands, pour the solution into the tool for washing the nose. Tilt the head of the side of the pelvic or sink.
  • Enter a solution into one nostril. If everything is done correctly, the solution will pass through the nasal cavity and will be released through another nostril.

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  • Clean your nose, unimportant. Do not worry if a small amount of solution leaks into the throat or fall into the mouth.
  • Repeat the procedure again, pouring the solution into another nostril, then visitor again. Ready!

Important: in pharmacies you can buy a ready solution in a special bottle. Using it, follow the manufacturer's recommendations in the attached instructions.


The procedure is recommended to consult with the doctor, as there are a number of contraindications.

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