Top 6 simple garden processing rules in autumn


Good afternoon, my reader. Autumn - the most favorable time for garden treatment from pests and various diseases. Include these types of work in the list of mandatory, and this will help your garden to meet the spring in perfect order. Healthy and ready for flowering and fruiting!

Top 6 simple garden processing rules in autumn 22866_1
Top 6 simple garden processing rules in autumn Maria Verbilkova

1. Make cleaning in the garden

Collect all the vegetation on the beds, including the remains of fruits. Remove the leaves under the trees, free the beds from weeds. Dry herb and leaves serve as a favorable medium for breeding diseases and pests. All the assembled garbage must be burned (ash, then you can scatter on the site, it contains nutrient elements useful for soil) or remove from the site.

2. Remove rotten and dried fruit with trees

In no case cannot leave dry and drowning fruits on the branches of trees and bushes. They will then serve as the pests of the house, where they will cast frost and in the spring with a new force begin to apply your landing damage. To remove and burn or endure the site.

3. Sanitary trimming of branches

We remove dried, sick or dry branches from the tree. Also, broken branches or those that grow inside and contribute to the thickening of the plant are also removed. Sick branches are a source of infection during the spring period. Cut branches are recommended to burn or remove from the site.

Top 6 simple garden processing rules in autumn 22866_2
Top 6 simple garden processing rules in autumn Maria Verbilkova

4. Processing of the priority circle

The rolling circle of each tree or bush needs to be slightly, at the same time removing the old grass and removing the dry leaves. During the fall, it is advisable to do it 2-3 times.

5. Must with the trunk

The whitewashes of the trunk is important not only in spring, but also in the fall. And at this time of the year there may be diseases or lay pests. In addition, some gardeners wind the trunks of the trees with nonwoven material or other priests. This is done so that during the winter of rodents or other small animals did not start eating a bark of trees.

Top 6 simple garden processing rules in autumn 22866_3
Top 6 simple garden processing rules in autumn Maria Verbilkova

6. Spraying

Despite the fact that the branches of trees are empty and are almost ready for the upcoming hibernation, they need compulsory processing. Spray all the trees in your garden with special solutions: burgundy mixture, urea, "nitrophen" and other special means. Strictly follow the application instructions. Garden processing is preferably carried out in dry windless weather. The most favorable month is October.

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