The feeling of loneliness in marriage. Why it happens


The feeling of loneliness in marriage is not so rare. But why?

Why maybe a sense of loneliness in marriage, if we strive for the better

Values ​​that did not discharge

We all have our own values. Having met a man who having loved him and concluding marriage, we are waiting for that from now we will move in one direction as a single cell of society. But forget that our values ​​and desires are individual. In our partner, they can be completely different, and he could also wait for everything from marriage. Because of this, either one of the spouses has to be content with the values ​​of the second, forgetting about their own, or find compromises. In any case, sacrifices sometimes have something very important. And this victim can instill the idea that our values ​​are not interested in the spouse. Your interests remained yours, nobody accepted them into account or decided that they were not so important at this stage. And ignoring them can lead to insulted, insult to closure. And here the closedness gradually goes into a sense of loneliness.

Universal distrust of each

Another non-obvious cause of the feeling of loneliness, which appeared in marriage, can become distrust. Most likely, it was already in you before meeting with your loved one. It is likely that you have experienced mistrust to many people. Due to betrayal or past bad relationships. And meeting the only one and having loved him, hoped that you would learn to trust. But mistrust is stronger than love. You can love a person strongly, but at the same time you do not learn to trust him. Difference does not allow to relax and enjoy relationships to full. It makes it "always be alert." More secrets, hidden opinions depressed in themselves emotions. All this makes it close even stronger. And now you are again alone, even being married.

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Photo by carlos r from stocksnap problems each

Falling in love, we forget about the problems and difficulties of life, thanks to hormones that our body produces. But after 2-3 years, even with real love, our body begins to produce other hormones. And these new hormones no longer give us to forget about domestic or other problems. Difficulties at work, domestic troubles - all this can remove partners from each other. And then he begins to arise the feeling of everyone that he is one on one with its difficulties.

Even if you feel loneliness now, talk to your spouse. Discuss value. Find out that each of you wanted to see in marriage, and what he was not enough. After all, you can always catch up, if you want this two. All in your hands.

Publication of the site-primary source Amelia.

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