Google added a super-convenient system converter in Android


Android support is a very specific phenomenon. On the one hand, Google does not install for the manufacturers of specific terms for updating their smartphones, and on the other, it is the case itself produces various types of updates for all Android devices, distributing them through its own services. As a result, it turns out, first, promptly, and, secondly, extensively from the point of view of coverage, since Google's own updates equally get both to new and old devices without support. For examples, it is not necessary to walk.

Google added a super-convenient system converter in Android 22403_1
Android appeared a system converter operating on the basis of Google algorithms

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Google has released an update for Google Play services by adding an advanced converter to Android, which is also system, but is available only through Google and Chrome applications. It is able to convert any values, no matter what they relate to. It may be speed, weight, distance, currencies and a lot more.

How to convert values ​​on Android

For the transformation of the magnitudes, regular Google search engine algorithms are used. But if earlier in order to translate one thing to another, you needed to open Google and score the name of the very size and number in need of translation, now it will be enough to convert them in place. Suppose you when reading some material on the Internet saw speed in miles and want to transfer it to kilometers per hour.

  • Highlight the value you need to convert;
  • Wait until the context menu opens;
Google added a super-convenient system converter in Android 22403_2
Convert values ​​on Android can be from any area of ​​OS
  • In the context menu, select "Convert";
  • Confirm conversion in Google Appendix.

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Despite the fact that the conversion feature overfers you to Google's application, it works across the entire system, regardless of the task being performed. That is, you can convert values ​​from third-party applications. It will be enough to simply highlight them and click on the "Convert" button. Perhaps the transition to Google to someone will seem uncomfortable, but it is every better than to score the desired value manually or at least copy it and insert into the third-party utility.

Translate one value to another

Google added a super-convenient system converter in Android 22403_3
It is strange that the Russian magnitles of Google does not want to convert

The only thing that I am not very clear is the failure of the conversion function to translate the "local" values. Seeing them, he pretends that it does not understand that they can be translated into something else. Suppose you want to convert kilometers per hour in miles per hour, etc. Having allocated the original value, I have never been able to get a convert to convert it in the context menu. Apparently, the algorithms believe that I cannot translate familiar data into unfamiliar. And this, in my opinion, is a bit strange.

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In general, other claims for the conversion feature that Google added to Android, I do not have. It turned out and the truth is very convenient. After all, due to the general system of innovation, it can be used when performing any tasks. It doesn't matter what you do: read an article in English or meet the instructions for assembling furniture ordered from abroad - Google in any case will help you translate unfamiliar values ​​into familiar. It is very convenient and any better than before.

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