Even if they do not ask - respect!

Even if they do not ask - respect! 22367_1

Want to know why families with children, at a minimum, should I just respect?

Want to know why families with children, at a minimum, should I just respect?

Yes, if only because it is their children to feed you on pensions, and in any case, even if you do not deserve it at all. This is the number once.

Secondly, for the state, families with children are a great priority, it is for them the main political rate. For any economic society, natural development and replenishment is primary.

Tens of examples can be given to this: because they will not give our glorious planet to get used; Because they are our future, and we are past; Because they still have everything ahead and the choice for them; because they decide how to live on, and not us ...

Infuriates, really infuriates all this mass hysteria about "We shouldn't have anything to you, your children are your problems, we were not born for this." ...

ABOUT! That is, someone left you all the same. Someone wiped your poop and snot behind you, fed from a spoon, drove into kindergarten, burst between "Could and" I can ". It turns out that you are also blood and flesh. You also endured, taught life and politeness. What a pity that some adults so quickly forget about it.

And all these stupid, invented by Heyters, and, of course, sometimes offensive phrases of the type of "tears of iemter", "Dogs of Ovula", "No one must love you" ...

Of course, we do not owe each other anything. And our country is not the only one (and perhaps not even the worst in this plan). The whole trouble is only that the universal envy, the evil and the desire to make mutual messy so deep that to improve the situation even "mowing weeds under the root" meaningless.

To overcome the aggression genetically laid in us and eradicate congenital hatred for children should pass a lot of time, a lot of generations should be changed, but it may be not enough.

In the meantime, then you hear that families with children behave abnormally, they act brazenly, all the time they ask for something and live by means. Only here, who determines the degree of this normality, who measures human audacity, writes their requests and consider their money?

Does it live with the thought of children - is it abnormal? Do you go with a crying child without a queue - is it arrogance? Did you write a letter to the ministry with a request to pay off debt on benefits - is it a super remuneration? Do you earn and spend all your money for children - is it not to live by means?

In general, with understanding and accepting other people's needs somehow tight. Everywhere and everyone will experience a catch. Some see in other only enemies, and if this one else lives better than you, it is more successful and, God forbid, smart, then this unfortunate is automatically translated into the category of "boys for beating." Remember that in the world where all the horns, harmony is considered ugliness!

And probably those who say that to prove the "blind" that the world of Yapik and is beautiful - it is useless. After all, everyone creates his own reality. And of course, we should remember more often about the main thing: "In the old age we are flammown only about one thing - about the time that left, without leaving anything, about the gift of the past days ..." On this, perhaps, and let's stop.

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