How to slow down aging after 40 years?


It is after reaching a plank at 40 years in the body, the first calls speak of aging begin to manifest. But often it can be noted that people in the same age look completely different.

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Facts talking about aging

After 40 years in the body, changes occur, as a result of which reduces the muscle mass, the flexibility of the joints decreases, chronic fatigue appears, the state of health deteriorates. But all these changes can be delayed not even for a couple of years, but for decades.

And if we are not talking about serious diseases, it is possible to prevent unpleasant changes without using medicines. Scientists revealed several ways to extend the youth by year.

Full Son.

A person is able to postpone sleep until a suitable case, distracted by work, entertainment and other things. If you neglect a full-fledged sleep, the aging mechanisms are activated and the human body is beginning to coal. If you refuse to sleep often, afterwards such a habit increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, causes diabetes mellitus, provokes the emergence of neuroses and other psychological disorders.

Only 8 hours of full sleep increase the amount of beta-amyloid in the brain, which oppose Alzheimer's disease. In a dream, the restoration of the forces spent the day takes place. From how a person sleeps at night, its productivity depends during the daytime.

The ration is rich in vegetables and fruit

They contain a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. They not only heal the human body, but also increase activity. Studies have proven that the daily diet, which contains 5 servings of vegetables and fruits significantly reduces the development of stroke and infarction.

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Each human cell consists of water, which is why its lack of negatively affects the whole body as a whole. But with age, the feeling of thirst is dulled, and the person drinks less fluid than before. It is necessary to drink 5-8 glasses of warm clean water daily.

Green tea instead of coffee and packaged juices

Scientists confirmed that green tea is more useful than black. It is a natural antioxidant extending youth.

Regular sport

Each adult is to maintain his health must include sports activity, at least 200-300 minutes every week. The more physical activity will be, the better. If there is not enough time for a full-fledged sport, then you should do regular charging, 10-15 minutes daily.

Sport is indispensable for those who want to preserve youth. It not only prevents the development of chronic diseases, but also helps to preserve mental health. You can engage in sports even if there is a hernia and protrusions.

Those who have no experience in sports, you can advise you to start with light short jogs or walks to a quick step. In 40 years, life is really just beginning, it is important not to lower your hands, tune in to a positive and do not sit in one place.

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