25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh


This world is full of amazing things, situations and events. Some people please, others face, others are mixed, and some scare. If all our feelings obeyed common sense, perhaps many would have become a little easier. But sometimes the emotions take the top and the most simple items cause panic fear.

Network users shared with Adme.ru with their most unusual phobias so that readers, finding such fears from themselves, knew that they were not alone in this.

  • I have a strange phobia - flowers and other plants. If I concern them - I immediately pull the hand. And I do not know why. © ras_von / twitter
  • I'm afraid of stairs. In childhood, I was dreaming of shorthovers, where I went on the stairs more and higher, not reaching the end, or they suddenly turned the head or broke, or my head began to spawn, and there were no railing on them. © Teawithcu / Twitter

25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh 22346_1
© artobject6 / Twitter

  • Prepared us grandmother broccoli from the garden. I don't have them in principle. But the husband loves her husband. Sits chews, and here his face is changing. He looks into the plate and issues: "5 boiled caterpillars," and let's spit. Plus one phobia in my piggy bank. © Xenaharam / Pikabu
  • Depth. It seems to me that as soon as I swim a little further and look into the water to check whether there is a bottom, then someone grabs me down. © TimetoALIVE / Twitter
  • Now I know in my own experience, as phobias appear. I live on the 5th floor, never closing the blinds. And in one beautiful evening I go to my room and simure at the switch, as I see a large silhouette in the opposite window. Logic whispered that this is just a bunch of old things, but I do not believe in logic. Therefore, I did not turn on the light for a couple of days until I bought binoculars. It turned out, it's just boxes. Earned a new phobia. © alaya / pikabu

25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh 22346_2
© WHRLMS / Twitter

  • I'm a tripophob, I can say hysterics from one of the views of holes or bubbles. Still, heights and turks are very afraid. © ol_fa_sol / twitter
  • Once nephews dragged me into the amusement park. I am afraid of a wild height in an open space, and in general, such entertainment is not for me. I just went for a company stroll. And then I suggest ride "on the carousel". And this is a huge pillar, which turns you on the chains up, then down. The head was spinning, panic began, here we hung at the peak itself, and ... I just turned off. A minute later came to my senses, I saw that we were still faster, and completely lost consciousness. I woke up on Earth. © Santarabanoloco / Pikabu
  • I am afraid of pictures with marine depths. I can't touch them, I immediately catch a terrible panic. No one has met the same phobia. © Mulanblua / Twitter

25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh 22346_3
© sova_art / twitter

  • My close person is afraid of buttons and small items, and I'm not afraid of anything like this. © SerjeantLol / Twitter
  • I'm afraid of porcelain dolls, depth and ride by car along the cliffs. From all this, the blood in the veins is still. © lerika_in_air / Twitter
  • I am arachnophob. From the species of large, fatty spiders could have a hysteria. Now I try to control it, entering the premises with the thought: "Perhaps you will meet Spider." It helps a little, but it is better than nothing. © SouloRangeBe / Twitter

25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh 22346_4
© Lutkar_sei / Twitter

  • I have some strange phobia: I am also careful to stick both headpoint in your ears when I'm not alone at home. All the time it seems that something happens to my relatives, they will call me to help, and I will listen to music and I will not hear their screams about help. © indulgencia2 / Twitter
  • I'm afraid of darkness and pigeons. © Badunicornsocks / Twitter

25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh 22346_5
© Secretiki / Twitter

  • As a child, I had a strange phobia: I was afraid to fall asleep. It seemed to me that when I wake up, I would not be anyone else. © Podslyshano / Twitter
  • It seems that I have a rare phobia: I am afraid of phone calls of unfamiliar or unfamiliar people. If you want to convey the information - write a message, do not drive me in panic. © chimeric_all / twitter
  • I'm afraid of foam. In the distant childhood, I do not know where they found it, but all the boys from our courtyard scored slices of foam and rules, rubbed him about asphalt, making boats. I was wildly crushed from these sounds. To this day I can not touch and look at any action with foam. While wrote, several times was covered with goosebumps. © Onlunt / Pikabu

25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh 22346_6
© 4TeenthGuitar / Twitter

  • Recently realized that I had an unusual phobia: fear of the windows at night. The essence: scary to look into the windows of abundance, terribly looking into the windows from the street or from the inside to the outside. I'm afraid to see something frightening, I don't know what. © MothersChaos / Twitter
  • It all started with a superficial study of space. I read the articles, watched the video, studied general information about certain phenomena and so on. In general, I love space and everything connected with him as many here. As a result, I started buying a telescope (I wanted to look at the planets, stars and so on). Joy was short. Brought home, somehow set up, put the eyepiece and tuned to look at the moon. Actually, further phobia itself. At the next minute, I realized that I am very afraid to look into the eyepiece. That is, I calmly look for hours to look at the endless night sky, admire the stars and the moon, but I begin to experience a huge panic, approaching the eyes to the eyepiece. I do not understand what exactly bothers me, but it seems that someone is about to frighten me or suddenly appear. Although, most likely, scares the monitoring itself for something far or deep. © Eraum / Pikabu

25+ people shared their phobias, from which at least cry, even laugh 22346_7
© 4elovod / Pikabu

  • I have an incomprehensible phobia: always shy to include music loud in headphones - suddenly the surrounding does not like my music. © Domanep / Twitter
  • I thought all my life that something was wrong with me, for my phobia is very strange. I'm afraid of cotton. As soon as I see your wool or sweater, from which these fluffy fibers stick out, there is plenty of salivation and the whole body is covered with unpleasant goosebumps. In addition, at such moments, I imagine that someone (or I) will take and licked the cotton / subject and then I will faint and die. By the way, only by 21 I learned that I was not alone and there are people with a similar fear, only to waffle towels. © DianaSobaka / Pikabu

But there are those who love and spiders and depth, and extreme in all its manifestations. It would be nice if all people had learned to see only interesting and funny even in such frightening things at first glance. Then all fears would disappear. And with what strange phobias you come across?

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