Legends home merchant igmnova

Legends home merchant igmnova 21642_1

A luxurious house in the pseudorous style, resembling fairy tale, is located in the center of Moscow, close to the October metro station. This mansion was built in 1895 for the Yaroslavl merchant, Nicholas Igumnov, but a series of problems arising after the construction, and gossip citizens led to a large number of legends. Now, the house attracts not only its architectural solution, but also mystical stories.

Merchant Nikolay Igumnov

Nikolai Vasilyevich Igumnov was a led from the famous kind of merchants of the magnificent, whose history begins in Eastern Siberia. They became famous thanks to the business residents and the ability to trade both within the country and with neighboring states. Igmenov led the business and gradually drove into different corners of Russia.

Nikolai Vasilyevich was born in Moscow and held here most of his life. At first he helped his father, and then became the director of the "Partnership of the Yaroslavl Large Manufactory", also by the Founders. In addition to the ownership of the manufactory, Nikolai inherited gold peculiarities in Siberia, who belonged to his uncle, and several land plots from relatives.

However, Nikolai became famous for all Moscow not as a merchant, but as a big lover of all unusual, fright and, sometimes shocking.

Construction mansion

In 1888, Nikolai Vasilyevich showed interest in the land plot at the end of the street. Yakimanki, by the time turning from the poor outskirts in the favorite place of Moscow merchants. Initially, the Earth with a small wooden house belonged to other Moscow merchants, which began their possessions of the needy family back in 1851. For many years, the plot was untouched by the plot until Nikolai decided to demolish the old building, in order to build a chic stone mansion in his place.

Nikolay wanted the building to be not like the rest of the architectural appearance of Moscow, and the views of people passing by people were faced, and the conversations about the creation were filled with the whole city. For the realization of the conceived, he turned to the architect, Nikolay Pozdeev, at that time he encountered the position of chief architect of Yaroslavl.

Nikolai Pozdeev specialized in church architecture and was a master of Russian eclecticism, therefore suggested a variant of a two-story mansion, inspired by the decoration of the temple of Vasily of the Blessed and Old Russian buildings. Ignorant so much like the proposed view of the house that he ordered immediately to start construction.

Work on the construction of unusual structures began in 1888. Igumov ordered the best materials: a brick for construction was carried from Holland, and porcelain tiles were made under the order at the Factory factory of the production of porcelain and faience products Matthew Kuznetsov.

However, the architect did not see his creation, conclusing from tuberculosis. Construction continued under the leadership of his brother, Ivan Pozdeev, and the invited architect, Peter Boytsov. They not only completed the construction of a mansion, but also designed the inner decoration of the halls.

The inside is located about the forty rooms among which were several canteens, an alzal with a front staircase, a large and small living room. Some rooms continued the topic of external design, reminding the princely chambers, others were decorated in classic style. Fully house was completed only in 1895.

The construction of a luxurious mansion in the pseudorous style was needed to need money in the most time money: according to rumors, the amount amounted to more than a million rubles. However, instead of admiring exclamations, the view of the mansion received condemnation and rigid criticism from the public due to excessive varies.

Killing beloved

Igumnov was very upset by the opinion of people and therefore decided to leave Moscow for a while, visiting the mansion only passage.

One of the urban legends is connected with this episode: before leaving Igumnov decided to settle his beloved in a new house so that the building was not empty. Every time she had a need to pass through Moscow, he sent forward himself an ambassador who warned a girl about a moment. However, once Ighemnov decided to appear without warning. Arriving in the evening in the house, he found his beloved in the arms of the other. In the rustling of jealousy, he pushed the unreasonable guest to the street, and his mistress strangled into bed, after which he ordered to hide her body in the house.

There are two versions, where the body of the girl was hidden: the first - the body was laid with bricks in one of the walls of the utility room, the second - the body was hidden in the oven, because of what the car came from the pipes, and when the house was drowned, I started going Black smoke with a strange smell.

Last Ball

The second legend is associated with the expulsion of Impnova in Abkhazia. As the story says, Ighemnov loved so much to shock people, which arranged an incredibly luxurious ball. To surprise guests, the merchant ordered in a large living room to decompose the coin on the floor, but did not take into account one nuance - the guests went all evening and danced on the face of the sovereign. On this incident, Nicholas II was soon reported. The emperor was angry with such disrespect.

Igmenov in Abkhazia

Once in the link, Ignoved was not confused, but rebuilt several villages and opened the first canning plant on the Black Sea coast. He also delivered the chernozem, ordered special types of trees so that they dried the soil a little, and engaged in gardening. In addition, thanks to Nikolai Vasilyevich in Abkhazia, the cultivation of Mandarins and Tobacco began, the company began work "Abkhaz Bamboo" and cypress alleys were planted.

Further fate mansion

The Numbers' left in Moscow was put up for sale, but the house did not find his owner.

After the revolution of 1917, the merchant voluntarily conveyed real estate to the state, and from the moment the building was taken by the club with the "Godnak" factory. During the existence of the club, a mystical history appeared: once, when working enterprises gathered to note the successful implementation of the plan, they did not notice how time passed and the night went down on the mansion, and a young girl came out in one of the halls from the wall and, sobbing corridor. Since then, the halls have been empty, and the collections in the club have practically sued.

In the newly empty building, on the orders of Stalin in 1925 it was decided to open the Institute for Blood Transfusion, and then - the Institute of Brain Studies.

In 1938, the mansion was transferred to the needs of employees of the French Embassy, ​​and since 1979 he became the official residence of France.

Now the home of the merchant Igumnova is a valuable architectural monument and everything is also located the residence of the Ambassador of France, and to believe legends or not, everyone decides.

Address mansion: ul. Big Yakimanka, 43

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