Is there a bargaining on the eastern bazaar?

Is there a bargaining on the eastern bazaar? 21476_1
Is there a bargaining on the eastern bazaar? Photo: Depositphotos.

If someone has not been to the eastern bazaar, believe me on a word - this is something indescribable. Coloring the Eastern Bazaar in no comparison with our Bazas!

I personally always discouraged the sellers on our, Russian markets, where if the entrance tell you that today apples on the ruble twenty per kilogram, then at least all the trading row with vegetables and fruits go around, cheaper (at least on a broken penny!) No one from Sellers will not. And then ... what is this market, if "bargaining is inappropriate"?!

The market, if you believe the economic theory, it assumes that the price is determined by the ratio of supply and demand. Accordingly, if today in the market twenty sellers and each - five-kilogram buckets of apples, and they want to buy these apples (and then - only 1 kg) two buyers, in the pocket of each of which are provided for these purposes on the ruble ... Today apples will cost ... Well, very cheap! But if tomorrow there will be two sellers with the same buckets, but tet ten buyers will come running, each of which is so, just about the birth, you need a kilogram of apples ... You understand, they are very much jogging in price.

It is unlikely that this theory knows the sellers in the eastern bazaars, but the fact that there is a bargaining ... this is, as if of granted. Moreover, the bargaining can not just be. No, on the Eastern Bazaar Torg - not a measure of the possible, measure of the proper behavior of buyers!

It must be present in the process of design albeit orally, but the most real retail commercial transaction:

- Uh-uh, brother ... if it came to the bazaar, be kind! Give tribute to not only the seller and his product, but also yourself. Show what you know a sense in customs and orders, what reigns if not all east, then on each individual Eastern Bazaar.

Bargaining on the eastern bazaar is not only a good tone or tribute to good tradition, this is a whole performance! And somehow I was lucky to watch such. Many theatrical performances on which we had a chance to visit this life, I remember rather vaguely, and then our visit to the market in Leninabad (now Indand, Tajikistan) and now stands before your eyes.

Many, probably, have an idea of ​​the soldier's diet in any of the garrisons, which was once located in the territory of the entire Union, including on the Union republics. Some of the research he never was different. Yes, in principle, they are not particularly needed. There is enough of something that you have firmly associated with the house and, accordingly, can raise the mood and morale.

Our foreman understood this well and somehow, having highlight a small amount of stateless money, hooked me out of the kitchen dress and gave me to the helpers (type porter) to one of the grandfathers.

And so we, we have already arrived at the Leninabadian market. To buy a bag (50 kg) potatoes. You see, fried potatoes - it ... thing! And how to cook it out of dry, which was not translated from us on a food warehouse? Here we are with Segeha and delegated ...

The bazaar in the east is clearly delimited.

Before the entrance traded with cakes and greens, then fresh vegetables, rice, raisins, dried fruits. A little further - Korean ranks, where they sell cabbage and carrots in Korean, onions.

And how to go into the yard ... there - huge mountains of watermelons, here - no smaller mountains of intoxiously smelling melons, but ... what we need! Rows with potatoes.

And I must say that this is not the most common product on the eastern market. Sellers is not so much. Dozen one and a half or two. And then the potatoes were worth the potato on the Leninabad market ... the ruble is one and a half per kilogram. This is despite the fact that in the store of the middle strip of Russia, the price per kilogram of potatoes was 10 (ten!) Kopecks.

Well, it means that we reached potato rows. The first thing Serega silently, leisurely, went around all those who traded potatoes that day. Each of them took one, then the second potato, carefully considered them, put in place and moved to the next seller. They immediately smeared - buyer! In the shape of. With the accompanying to help carry. Buy a lot! And what happened here ...

Each of the sellers began to shout loudly in our direction:

- Hey, brother, come! Come to me. Look what potato. Himself in his mouth asks! Large, like a grenade, delicious, like a sshlik!

But Seryoga silently went around everyone. And only after that a person has allocated five, whose potato clearly liked him.

In his second, he approached only for this five. But this time not only took potatoes, he twisted her in his hands, carefully looking at it. It is very good that he knew a few words on Farsi. It was on Farsi that he asked:

- How many?

And when he was answered - so much, displeased with the tongue, picked up the sorrowful mine, clapping his finishes to the faded Galifa in the Lyazhek area and, again, on Farsi, said:

- O-LLC, oh, how much!

To which the seller immediately asked:

- And how much will buy?!

And Seryoga once again at Farsi respondently answered him:

- LOT!

And from this action, those sellers, whom Seryoga after the first circle of the compartment, were not turned off, they also joined the indescribable, holding the performance in the voltage of all its participants. It is very similar to the fact that there were even bets among themselves - who exactly and how much Serega is buying.

Caught the exclamations and my grandfather, especially when he asked or responded to Farsi. And also, they were encouraged by those sellers for whom "hurt", praising no longer, and their goods.

Serega for this did not pay any attention. After the second round, he had already left two vendors who, in his opinion, could buy potatoes. And he began to move from one to another, no longer a summary asking and responding, but in addition to a more detailed conversation.

For example, when one of the sellers drew his attention that he had a potato larger than his potential competitor, Seryoga responded to that, yes, a large, they say, there is no dispute, but you see what it is spoy, not ... And then he said again some unfamiliar word on Farsi. From this comparison, all sellers of potato rows that stood closer, laughed in the voice. And those that stood further and did not hear, began to ask for those who heard. The people lived.

The second seller who said that his potato "Sweet, like a melon," Serge answered the question:

- Ice cream or something?!

The people laughed again. And so, talking to one, then with another, Serega passed a couple of times from one to another. Especially when the second seller, which remained free this time, shouted Serague:

- Hey, Brother, Sleep, for ten kopecks I will give less! How long will you take?

But as soon as we moved to him and I began to mess around with a bag, the one from which we moved away, already shouted in turn:

- Hold bucket? According to the ruble I will give!

Seryoga returned to him:

- And if two buckets?

And already the one from which we just moved, shouted:

- For two buckets of 90 kopecks I will give!

Serega again asked for Farsi:

- Ninety? And eighty?

- If you take three buckets, I will give for 80!

In general, so we bought 80 kopecks per kilogram. At the initial price to the ruble fifty. And everyone was satisfied. Not only we like buyers. And not only our seller. All potato series sellers simply got angry with genuine happiness.

And when the seague and I came out, dragged the bag with a purchase, every seller, by which we passed, tried to shove me or in his pocket or under the gymnaster belt one or two potatoes:

- Here, the soldier, you are me, tasty potatoes. Then come. Never sorry!

Author - Konstantin Kucher

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