Woman should be with a man? Latvian firm stopped relations with the "incorrect" blogger

Woman should be with a man? Latvian firm stopped relations with the

On the question of one of the subscribers about the attitude to sex miners, Didrichson wrote that "this topic is categorically unacceptable for me. I do not understand her, I will never understand it, I will never be supported. I have not created us. Woman Must be with a man, and a man with a woman. "

The reaction to the post followed immediately. Mostly negative - a woman literally affected the networks, accusing in homophobia.

However, the case was not over the predancy of nerves after statements about the attitude towards representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Blider and creator of the brand "Butterfly" Elina Didrichson seemed to suffer and financially. In any case, the company "ES Mīlu Kafiju" has already expressed the termination of cooperation with it.

- Esmilukafiju.lv (@esmilukafiju_lv) February 19, 2021

The company reported on Twitter the following:

"We are in the company" ES MīLU KAFIJU "do not share coffee lovers on the right and wrong. We are equally roads and all customers. Therefore, we cannot continue cooperation with Elina Didrichson."

True, on the network and the support of Didrichson. Thus, the publicist Elite Weideman wrote that the girl just expressed his opinion - it has the right to freedom of speech. But she immediately answered that homophobia is not freedom of speech.

A discussion broke out in which many people famous in Latvia participated.

The representative of the LGBT community Artist Kashers was categorical:

- I will speak by the words of Didrichson, I am categorically against people like you, Didrichson. I believe that at first God created a person, and not such a "monster".

He called Elin to be humane to people, and his followers - boycott the profile of Elina and her store.

Fitness Fitness Utah Valdman has compared that talking negatively about the LGBT community is simply unlikely - in the 21st century!

"Let's start with the fact that God did not create you. Who creates designer clothes, bags "Guess", hair extension that you use and spread? Homosexuals. Your words will never be supported, because they are contrary to reality, "the Amuna outlined his opinion.

The idol of Latvian youth Raper Prusaks supported the friends of the LGBT community. And praised what you can expect from a person whose goal in life is good to look good.

Singer Roberto Meloni reported that not everything that comes to mind, you need to talk. And advised Didrichson to think his head. "Each of us is affected by the world around us."

Alisa Hydzima, the star show X-Factor opposed any discrimination, because since childhood he knows what it means to be discriminated against "due to what I was born."

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