How well did Neanderthal speak?


Live 150 thousand years ago, Neanderthals are, although not straight, but still by our relatives. Scientists regularly find fossil remains of their bodies and the items that they used. Previously it was believed that Neanderthals led a much more primitive way of life than modern people. But over time, it turned out that they were very developed and actively developed the tools of labor, learned to prepare food and even created works of art. At the same time, scientists are still not clear to the end, as Neanderthals communicated among themselves. There is an assumption that they were in contact with the help of the language of gestures, but really all that they were able to? Of course not. Recently, Spanish scientists compared the structure of the ear of modern people, Neanderthals and our even more distant ancestors. It turned out that Neanderthals were well distinguished by human voices from animal sounds. Based on this, scientists dared to assume that the ancient people still knew how to talk.

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Unfortunately, we will never work out to recreate the language of Neanderthal. But they could well talk

Rumor Neanderthalsev

The results of the scientific work was described in the scientific publication Science Alert. At the first stage of the study, they took 5 Skulls of Neanderthals and studied them with the help of computed tomography. Based on its observations, they created detailed 3D models of their hearing aid. In the same way, they created models of hearing aids of modern Homo Sapiens and the ancestor of Neanderthals - Sima Hominin, who lived on our planet about 430 thousand years ago.

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Skull Sima Hominin.

At the second stage of scientific work, scientists decided to find out which range of sounds could recognize each of the hearing aids studied. It turned out that the ancient people of the type of Sima Hominin heard a much smaller range of sounds than Neanderthals. And those, in turn, had almost the same rumor as modern people. The researchers came to the conclusion that for several hundred thousand years, Rumor Neanderthals evolved just so that they could distinguish their own voices. This is a clear sign that they contacted each other with sounds or even words.

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Skull of a modern man (left) and Neanderthal (right)

It is important to note that during the evolution of Neanderthals especially learned to hear and utter vowels. Researchers believe that this feature allowed them to distinguish the voices of people from the sounds of wild animals. There is a chance that they had their own language in which vowel sounds prevailed. Moreover, each group had its own language, because Neanderthals led the nomadic lifestyle and rarely crossed with other groups.

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3D models of the skulls of a modern man (left) and Neanderthal (right)

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Speech Neanderthalsev

Scientists are trying to figure out how the Neanderthals talked for a long time. In 1971, researchers found a well-preserved Skeleton of Neanderthal and simulated an accurate model of its oral cavity. With the help of it, they wanted to figure out what sounds he could pronounce and whether the English words like "Father", "Feet" and so on was able to pronounce English words. It turned out that there is no - a small nasopharynk cavity and a thin language hardly allowed them to pronounce the English letters "A", "I" and "u". Even if he was under power, the sounds would be very short and full-fledged words from them would be extremely difficult. However, with the pronunciation of vowels in Neanderthals, it clearly did not occur.

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Even if the Neanderthals were smart, they could hardly be able to repulse modern words

An interesting fact: the researchers tried to find out if there are differences between the River Apparatus of Neanderthal and Chimpanzee. It turned out that the difference is huge and monkeys to pronounce many modern words simply can not. It would be impossible for them even if there are more developed intelligence.

In general, the methods of communication of Neanderthal still remain for scientists in the mystery. But researchers know many other interesting facts. For example, they are already confident that Neanderthals were able to handle the skin and put them soft and water resistance. On this topic on our site there is a fairly large article that can be read on this link. Also, my colleague Artem Sutagin told, from which materials and how the ancient people made the tools of labor. Surprisingly, sometimes the horns of Bizonov, bison and many other giants were going to move. Yeah, life thousand years ago was very harsh.

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