Works the cleaner in the museum - what happened to Gulchitai


The star of the film "White Sun of the Desert" did not continue their career in the film industry

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Tatyana Fedotova, Ria Fan.

The painting "White Sun of the Desert" directed by Vladimir Moth became popularly beloved in the USSR. He went out on the screens in the 1970s and the very day after the premiere of all the actors involved in the film, woke up famous.

However, not all of them fell in love with the cinema for life.

Actress Tatyana Fedotova, who played the 9th wife Abdullah Gulchitai chose to choose another way, another destiny.

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Tatyana Fedotova, Global Look Press

At the time of filming, the girl was only 16 years old. Tanya studied in the choreographic school Vaganova. It is curious that it was originally for the role of his wife a gangster was assumed to try another actress - Tatyana Denisov. However, for some reason, Denisov refused to filming and then the director's assistant proposed the candidacy of a young dancer. Fedotova considered himself a nasty duckling, however, it was her appearance allowed to embody the image of a bright brunette on the screen.

Tatyana Pavlovna gladly began to work. But .. after the completion of the filming realized that he did not want to be actress.

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Tatyana Fedotova,

She graduated from the school and began to perform in Lenconcert. Later, she became the wife of the composer Gennady Kuzmin and gave him two children.

Now Tatyana Pavlovna Pensioner. And she earns on the life of what is cleaned in one of the Moscow museums. This writes RIA fan.

It should be noted, Tatiana never regretted that the role in the "White Sun of the Desert" was for her the first and last. In various interviews, she emphasized that tragic fate was undergoing many actors.

"I thought I would die," Grischuk remembered how Rulin changed her with Tatiana Navka. "She only raised her lovely eyebrows" - as Vysotsky, he was bounced to the street and did not want a child from another beloved. Who from celebrities can turn the failures in triumphs. "Agatha is not the Dunya Smirnov-Chubais" - Muzing was ridiculed for a novel with a "generous" oligarch. "Oh, how thin she insulted Kate" - Megan found, than to prick William's wife.

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