Residents of the Ryazan district threatened with fines for those parked near the private houses

Residents of the Ryazan district threatened with fines for those parked near the private houses 20514_1

In the amount of 500 to 5,000 rubles, the administration of the Ryazan District of the Ryazan Region is threatened to finish. Referring to the rules of improvement, officials say about the ban on Parking machines from their homes longer than a day and send appropriate notifications about the need to appear in the administration to compile the protocol.

Head of the post office of the village of Zaberty Natalia Zenkina said that they came about three dozen such letters. Moreover, almost all - the owners of private houses, there were no departments to the addresses of apartment buildings.

Residents of the fence are perplexed - they left the cars all their lives near their homes, they do not interfere there, and no one has expressed any complaints. Moreover, the rules of improvement were approved about five years ago, but for some reason were relevant just now. And, the main thing, to park its iron horses to the Zabyevtsy more simply nowhere.

In other rural settlements of the Ryazan district, there are also similar rules of improvement, but there was no such mass distribution. Although the picture is similar - cars are near houses.

"It is impossible to store cars at the local area, in particular on municipal land, more than a day. According to our data, in our settlement at the moment there was no complaints about the administrative commission came, and for it fined, there were no massive statements for it, "the head of the administration of the Dubrovichevsky rural settlement Ilya Katavov assured.

It is not clear to rural car owners and on what basis representatives of the administration make a conclusion - more than a day costs a car at the local area or less? Lawyers say that this is usually done in the most affordable way - with the help of photography. But here is your zakovarkov. So a resident of the fence Vladimir Sadofiev received two photos at the same time (15 hours, 15 minutes) per day - February 16 and 17. But a man assures: during this time he lealed by car from home, therefore, from the moment of her new parking lots by 15:15, a much less than a day passed. Or how to be a 90-year-old grandmother, which is not what the car does not lead - it does not come out of the house. Who does not know the park on her fence, but also received a notice of possible fines.

"What happened between photos, naturally, we do not see. This provides for the appeal procedure, at least for a start, one can express its disagreement in drawing up a protocol. Subsequently, if the decision will be made to bring to justice, such a decision can also be appealed, including in court, "Lyarina's lawyer explained.

However, the prospect of numerous litigation of employees of the Administration of the Ryazan district is unlikely to close. There, apparently, it was already understood that they were overloaded or at some stage in the work on compliance with the rules of improvement was excessive formalism. At the head of the heads of rural settlements of local car owners soothe - go to the conversation and drawing up the protocol to the administration is not necessary.

"We were also in bewilderment, like all our inhabitants. As soon as we had information that such notifications were made to receive such notifications, we contacted the Administrative Commission, and they are now responding, "the head of the administration of the Zarbieevsky rural settlement Irina Kopylova reached the head of the Administration.

According to the materials of the GTRK "Oka"

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