Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid insulation Artem Masalsky

In a warm cozy apartment, you always want to go back. However, not every homeowner can boast of it. A number of construction brands decide to save on the quality of the material. As a result, in winter, inside it turns out cold, and in the summer it is incredibly hot. Yes, no one will change the walls, but you can easily improve thermal conductivity. In this article, we have prepared an overview of the top 17 of the best brands of liquid thermal insulation. The living insulation: that it is an insulation of thermal insulation, one of the types of insulation, which is used for the insulation of facades, walls, pipes, etc. This material can be compared with sour cream or consistency mastic. Liquid thermal insulation is usually applied in 2-3 thin layers. Moreover, it is important to wait for each of them. Only after that you can apply a new layer. Increasingly, the basis of the heat-oil consists of acrylic. In addition, silicone, glass or ceramics microsphere are added.

Liquid thermal insulation for the walls Artem Masalsky

Manufacturers of liquid thermal insulation for the wall market there are many manufacturers guaranteeing durable and reliability. At the same time, the best can be called the following: heat meter; actor; Green Planet; Corundum; Astratok; armor and a number of others. How to apply liquid heat insulation to insulate the walls, it is recommended to buy insulation with a ceramic component. External facades are separated by materials on a labma-based basis. After starting to work, surface preparation is required. Try to get rid of all irregularities and plaster mixture. Some places. Next, you need to apply primer. After mixing the liquid insulation. Typically, the manufacturer writes on the bank, how to do it correctly. Thelokraska is applied in several layers. Each of them should be no more than 1 millimeter. How many layers will turn out, depends on the thickness of the wall and material. Usually, the means are applied by a sprayer either by a foam roller. If we talk about the insulation of pipes, it uses special liquid thermal insulation. Before starting to work, you need to remove rust and dirt. After loading the pipe. When the primer is completely dry, proceed to the warming process. The paint is applied by a special sprayer or brush. On average, it will be necessary to make 5-6 layers. Everyone will dry around 5 hours. Then it is possible to cover the pipe with a special enamel. Video - applying liquid insulation mechanical methods-17 of the best liquid heat insulation for wall-insulation is based on pricing for 10 liters. %%% Rating_aRea %%% cheap (up to 3000 rubles) 2. Actor Hydropobizator The hydrophobizer protects perfectly from damage and cold. Thanks to him, concrete, brick and stone surfaces will not be collapsed. The cost of 10 liters: 2600 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_2
Actor hydropobizator Artem Masalsky

The advantages of the advent of moss and fungus; protects the floors from moisture in commercial and residential sites; the composition you can process the paving slabs and pedestrian bridges. Minusane is suitable for strong cold weather. The thermione zimage ultra-thin material, which is used most often in winter time. The cost of 10 liters: 2900 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_3
Thermion Winter Artem Masalsky

Pluses implantation on gas pipelines; excellent adhesive properties; low thermal conductivity coefficient. The minus will be used for a maximum at -30 degrees. Average (up to 3900 rubles) 9. Armor universal ceramics liquid thermal insulation is suitable in order to insulate concrete, wooden, plastic and metal coatings. The cost of 10 liters: 3050 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_4
Armor Universal Artem Masalsky

Plusually apply; a small percentage of percentage; is available in 2 groups in terms of flammability. Changely use at a temperature of over 140 degrees.8. Ceramic filler and aqueous acrylic basis are added to the heat transfer of this liquid thermal insulation. The means can be insulated internal and external products. The cost of 10 liters: 3150 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_5
Heat flux Artem Masalsky

Plus odor; operation is available at different temperatures; it has a certificate of environmental safety; can be applied to any coatings. Minusane found. 7. Thermocolor "Facade" Liquid thermal insulation with an innovative composition. It is intended to form an energy protection barrier on different surfaces. The cost of 10 liters: 3160 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_6
Thermocolor "Facade" Artem Masalsky

The advantage is on; it is easy to apply; rooms and capacities do not decrease in size after applying; reliable protection against corrosion. Minusing some reviews you can find information that the material does not always lie down at Rivne. Vioterm Metal AllumaEti Liquid isolation was designed specifically in order to process engineering structures and metal structures. The cost of 10 liters: 3400 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_7
Vioterm Metal Alluma Artem Masalsky

The advantageless protection against corrosion; shows high efficiency both at low and high temperatures; a slight consumption; one can be operated for 15 years. Minusane is suitable for very cold place. Magtells standard appear in order to work with any surface. Most often, this insulation is used for thermal insulation of walls, roofs and pipes. When the material dries out, the surface becomes a matte shade. The cost of 10 liters: 3,600 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_8
Magtert of Artem Masalsky

The advantages are at a silicone basis; a small consumption, if compared with analogues; reduces 40% expenses during the heating season. Minusane is noticed.4. Thermion standard NGS-top thermal insulation coating. You can freely apply on various surfaces. The cost of 10 liters: 3700 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_9
Termion standard NG Artem Masalsky

The advantage is used at a temperature of up to +200 degrees; low consumption. Minusane revealed.3. Termion Finish NGhepplossing Innovative Puttail. Thanks to this, the material you can get rid of various irregularities, cracks and dents. The cost of 10 liters: 3900 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_10
Termonic Finish NG Artem Masalsky

It is fully non-toxic; eliminates fungus; perfectly hits with the surface; high thermal insulation properties. Minusnet.2. Actor of Concrete Liquid thermal insulation is suitable in order to insulate the walls inside, make insulation on the windows, insulate the balconies and loggia, protect the floors from the freezing. The cost of 10 liters: 3900 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_11
Actor concrete Artem Masalsky

The advantages of the temperature of the temperature up to +150 degrees; with long-term storage, the material does not laugh; it is not necessary to mix material with something else; able to dry in 30 minutes; it has fireproof. Minusnet.1. Armor The Nordell Distinctive feature of this thermal insulation is the ability to apply it at impressive low temperatures. Suitable in order to insulate any surfaces, including metal, wood and bricks. The cost of 10 liters: 3980 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_12
Armor Nord Artem Masalsky

It is encouraged by several degrees of flammability; applied by any convenient tool; when applied to large surfaces there is a slight overrun. The minus of small volumes is not available; it is not allowed to use at a temperature of above +70 degrees. Theores (from 4000 rubles) 6. Corundum Classic Material is perfectly suitable in order to insulate the inner and outer walls. The cost of 10 liters: 4000 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_13
Corundum Classic Artem Masalsky

It is advantageous to apply on any surface; the operating temperature can reach +240 degrees; excellent adhesion; durability. Minus is a hundred price.5. RE-THERMATE The heat insulation is made from ceramic and silicone microspheres. Because of this structure, the material obtains high strength and excellent waterproofing properties. The cost of 10 liters: 4130 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_14
RE-THERM Artem Masalsky

The advantage is used on different surfaces; low operating temperature can reach -470 degrees; quickly dries. Minuswords price.4. Astrathek Facade First of all, this special composition is used to apply for external vertical structures. The cost of 10 liters: 4350 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_15
Astrathek Facade Artem Masalsky

Plusily reduces heat loss; it is capable of getting rid of cold bridges; does not create excess load on the foundation; has durability; high water repellent properties. Minusnet.3. Actor Vulkanet Thermal insulation paint is produced on a silica-organic basis. The cost of 10 liters: 4,700 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_16
Actor volcano Artem Masalsky

The advantage is used at extreme temperatures up to +600 degrees; excellent adhesion to concrete and various types of metals; high resistance to the effects of all kinds of aggressive factors. Consumes 2. Isollalat-02 degree liquid thermal insulation material. The cost of 10 liters: 4800 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_17
Isollalat-02 Artem Masalsky

The advantage can be used on various surfaces; operation is available at high temperatures, up to +170 degrees; Easy to apply. Consumption does not always turn out to be smooth. SERVETTT NORDETI liquid thermal insulation is manufactured specifically for operation in conditions of harsh Russian winters. It can be applied on the surface as simple as simple paints. The cost of 10 liters: 4800 rubles.

Which liquid heat insulation to choose for walls: Top 17 popular brands of liquid heat insulation 19732_18
Terermeltt Nord Artem Masalsky

The advantage is used at temperatures from -20 degrees; it is possible to use throughout the year; the ability to significantly reduce costs. Minusane found. Schedules and recommendations when choosing liquid thermal insulation for the wall-held decide on the place of application of heat-ins. Most often, the manufacturer lakes the jar with the means. Look carefully, on which surface you will apply this product. Also look after the content of banks. It is obliged to be uniform, without raids and any inclusions. It is better if the color turns out to be white, but beige and gray shades are possible. Do not disregard the product density. Low indicators will give greater heat transfer. Also find out the service life and interaction with different environmental indicators. Each liquid thermal insulation has a simple application method. The tool must be convenient in operation. Preferences give to proven companies. Video - Liquid thermal insulation Armor: insulation of balcony, loggia, walls, ceiling, floor with their own hands-connected. This issue will have to focus not only on the price of products. Look at how easy it is to do the work and the time that will have to spend on it. Heatroka allows you to get to the places to which it is very difficult to approach. Liquid isolation is released in different volumes. We reviewed options with 10 liters, but there are less, and more. Therefore, eat eyes on the review and select the option by which you plan to solve specific tasks.

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